Chapter thirty-six

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Third pov

A normal thing when she was in Victoria's army was to have had at least one limb ripped off, there wasn't anyone there that hadn't gotten a leg, an arm or hell even an ear ripped off. Will remembered the time when it happened to her, Sandy, a former part of Kristie's gang had been pissed at her.

She couldn't remember the reason anymore, but it ended up with her entire left arm being ripped off, thank god Riley had been there and gave it back. That had been the first time Bree had talked to her too, she'd helped her reattach her arm before retreating back to her place behind the couch.

She was so sure it was over for her once Stefan grabbed her neck. So sure that whatever life she had managed to build for herself would be ripped out of her hands. Something had flashed through her head though, something Stefan had said earlier. He'd called her by her last name.

Will pov

I can feel the cracks mending themselves. It's uncomfortable but it takes a while before i can move at all, before it feels like my head is no longer detached from my neck. The hunger is still eating away at me as i open my eyes. For the first time since i became a vampire i feel weak.

"Will?" Marcus gives me a worried look from his place beside me. "Here, you need to eat my dear." He presses a bag of what i can only assume is blood against my lips for me to drink. It tastes like heaven and the cracks and injuries pick up the pace in their healing.

The room we're in is untouched. In fact it looks like no one has been here for ages. "Where are we?"

Marcus sighs. "In one of the rooms we stopped using during the sixteenth century. We, we were not sure what state of mind you would be in once you came too again."

I frown. For the most part i feel fine, a little cloudy in the head maybe but otherwise I'm good. The bag is empty soon. "More." Marcus seems content with giving me new bags once they were empty.

Third pov

Marcus looked at the growing pile of blood bags. By now Will had drank enough to replicate three grown men.
Still her eyes made it look like she was starving, which she was, he thought. "Did they feed you?"

His mate shook her head. "No." She drained her last bag. She was still hungry but it felt like trying to eat more wouldn't end well.

She took a look around the room. It was big with dark red walls and black interior decorating. "Who had this room?" Marcus smiled to himself. "It was meant for if we met our mate back when we still used this wing. Anything in here is yours to use."

Will opened the wardrobe to see a bunch of dresses. "I can use the dresses?" Marcus nodded. "Good, i can't really walk around in these much longer." She motioned to her ruined clothes, not even the best seamstress in the world would be able to salvage the ripped and burned clothing.

She picked out the least decorated dress and let Marcus help her get it on

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She picked out the least decorated dress and let Marcus help her get it on. You could still see the cracks in her skin and it was obvious that she hadn't had a chance to clean herself in some time, but they both decided that the dress was better than the clothes tha was barely hanging on.

Marcus noticed that Will had something on her mind but didn't comment on it as they walked to the throne room to meet the elite guard and the rest of her mates.

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