Third pov
The letter that came from the Cullens worried Aro a little.
Alice had apparently had a vision of the Romanians building an army. It would be a catastrophe if that were to happen.
The soft sound of a bell alerted him to his mates presence. A few days ago Jane had got the idea to give Will a bracelet with a bell on it to make it easier to hear her. She had only been here for about a month but had settled in fine and spent her time with either her mates or the elite guard.
Currently she stood behind him with a small smile. "Aro, are you okay?"
He smiled and took her hand, leading her over to the chairs in his chambers. "The Cullens sent me a worrisome letter. It seems the Romanian coven is starting to build a newborn army."
Will frowned. "Like the one i was in?"
He sighed. "Yes, like the one you were born into. Since the Cullens seer will have more information we will have to go see them."
Will pov
I shake my head. "No, no, no, no. I don't want to visit them." Aro sighed softly. "My dear-" I stand up. "NO, I am not visiting them!" Before he has the chance to say anything i run.
I lock the door to my room and sink down on the floor. I don't want to see them. I don't want to. I don't want to... A knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts. "Will? Can i come in?" Caius asked from the other side of the door.
After a few seconds i unlock the door before going back to where i sat. He kneeled before me. "I heard from Aro that you don't want to go to the Cullens." He gently moved some of my hair away from my face.
"I don't like them. They're weird and, and..." Caius moved my his head so he could see my eyes. "It's okay, it's normal for you not to like them. They're the reason you got ripped away from your human life and used as a weapon. It's a normal thing and we understand why you don't like them. If it's any consolation i don't like them either."
Third pov
Caius moved so he could properly comfort his mate. To others he was the angry vampire king and he was happy with that but he didn't mind his mate seeing his softer side. He knew Aro and Marcus currently discussed a trip to forks, a necessity with the threath they risked facing if the Romanians actually were building an army. He had went to talk to Will in hopes that it would ease her discomfort in the coming trip. "Remeber what we told you. You have just as much power as us, if they do something you don't like or makes you uncomfortable then you can say exactly what you think to them. You don't need to do anything they say, okay?"
She nods slowly. "Okay."
They sit there and talk until another knock comes from the door. "What is it?" Caius voice sounded sharp and a slightly nervous guard answered. "Master Aro sent for master Caius and the queen."
"Tell them we will be there soon." The guard used his speed as he walked away and Caius stood up. "It seems we are needed, my love." He helped her up and they went to the remaining kings. Caius sighed internally when he thought of a skittish, distressed newborn surrounded with people she didn't like, and the results if those people did something stupid.
I'm sorry it's so short but i hope you like it. Tell me what you think :)

The newborn mate (FINISHED)
FanfictionWhat if the Volturi kings had spent thousands of years looking for their mate? And what if they found her with the newborn army sent to kill Bella? Will Andersen got picked from the streets by Riley and changed by Victoria. She spent all her time w...