Sister dearest you are the bane of my existence

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A/n: people actually likes this so here's a second part I guess!^•^/

All week, all god damn week the feeling of being watched was ever so persistent. A week since she had met that weird green haired freckle bartender boy. A week since she got her expensive as hell cake, and a week since she had felt comfortable anywhere. Involuntarily Y/n would be looking over her shoulder when she would leave the house, either it be walking to school or simply going to the grocery store. The feeling literally never left! Even nightly showers were sketchy, the door always stayed locked and the window now had black out curtains curtesy of her older sisters concern.

Ah, speak of the devil.

"Sister!~" the older female purred sweetly. With a skeptical eyebrow risen, Y/n looked up from her book mentally preparing her self for something soul wrenchingly horrible. "My hubby is coming Into town and I was wondering..." she poked her fingers together innocently and gave her puppy dog eyes. 'Lord have mercy...' Her skin paled slightly... honest to god this felt very planned...
"You remember how I installed your new curtains right sissy?" Her innocent demeanor turned evil and mischievous. "Well, you owe me one, so I'm cashing in my favor~" she giggled and the h/c-ette dreaded the next sentence whole heartedly. "I need you to keep mother and father dearest away from the house for the evening, preferably till ten or eleven would be much appreciated. Thank youuuu~" she sang sashaying away up to her roof to prep for her big night with her husband. Groaning Y/n snarled calling up the stairs,

"YOUR EXISTENCE HURTS MY BEING!" Laughter mocked her from upstairs. 'Bitch.' Pulling out her phone she grumbled and started to set up dinner reservations at a fancy restaurant and an evening yacht cruise. Then to kill some time she made it sort of like a treasure hunt with clues to each destination.

"Just think of it as recompense for making me waste my evening..." she smirked evilly charging it all to her sisters bank account and transferring some to her own account. Shutting off her phone she looked out to see it still rather early. Her parents wouldn't be home till five...


Wretch: Oh, and Danny comes at five thirty~ thank you sissty <3

Wretch: *sissy

With a twitching eye Y/n sighed deeply. Looks like she would have to go to her parents work destinations and set MORE, things up. How obnoxious. Going up the stairs and getting a deep green silk dress for her mother with some black heels and makeup,and then a maroon dress shirt with a black tie and black slacks and yes, black dress shoes and hair hell with a comb for her father. Snatching her sisters keys she walked out the door locking it tight. That damn watching feeling isn't going to get to her sister, no matter how horribly annoying she is.

Walking to the garage with the two bags in hand she sighed looking at the black car with distant. While fancy her sisters car was, it was a mess inside. A horrible, horrible, mess. Unlocking the door she was met with the sight of two boxes of used tissues from when she was sick last month, at least ten crushed cans of red bull on the floor, bags of old food and cloths everywhere. Y/n's e/c eyes twitched at the sight of movement in the back corner of the car.

"Repulsive." She muttered keeping the bags of fancy cloths on her lap as she closed the door. Taking the sticky/greasy wheel in her fingertips she started the car and pulled out of the garage. She closed the door and drove silently, the pungent smell of the car activating the gag reflexes residing in the highschool student. She rolled down the windows almost immediately.

-time skip-

After leaving notes and such around the city and at the restaurants she sighed. It was about six in the evening when she finally finished her task. That means her sister and husband are doing what ever and her parents should be at their first destination if the ditzy couple could manage...

Walking down the street in her black leggings and pale grey long sleeve she walked into her favorite sweets shop for a few slices of chocolate cake. That seems fitting after a long days work right? Everyone deserves a treat for their hard never ending work. Yeah.

The little bell jingled as she walked into the mostly empty café and making a beeline to the register where the cakes and assorted deserts were located. She bent down looking at the prices on the sweets. There were multiple chocolate cheesecakes, a few cupcakes, some puddings, crème bulé, macarons, the list goes on! Mouth watering she chose three cheese cake slices and a medium bowl of pudding.

"That'll be 3000 yen, Y/n." Shiro hummed smiling. Sliding her card she heard a sound she despised more than her sister. Shiro frowned looking up to her. "You're card was declined..." she murmured. They stood in awkward silence as she searched her wallet for loose change and was met with nothing.


"I swear I kept another five yen in here some where..." she muttered biting her lip anxiously. They always ran out of pudding before she could get it most days. The custard was always gone too, mostly not even an hour before being open aswell...

"I'll pay for her~" a childish and villainous voice rang behind her as a slender yet muscular arm ran along her side sliding the money across the counter to Shiro. Nodding with a smile smirk to the frozen Y/n she handed the sweets to the female. "Have a good evening Y/n~" she sang going to the back room. Shoving her wallet into her pocket she spun around and was nose to chest with the freckled green bean, clad in his usual bartender uniform. She looked up to his smirking face with a glare.

"Hello darlin', fancy meeting you here~"

"Shut up trash." She hissed grabbing the bag and shoving him. He giggled and bit the tip of his gloved hand looking at her with half lidded eyes. She looked back and growled, "Stop looking like a Yandere looking at their Senpai, broccoli head." She hissed. He giggled. Who the literal fuck GIGGLES.
    "I bought those for you dear, it's only fair that you share with the person who bought them don't you think?" He smirked knowing he had defeated her. Striding towards Her, he extended his hand and she hissed skittering away.
    "I don't remember asking for you to pay for my treats; there fore it's a gift and I choose not to be grateful I choose greed." She stuck her nose up slightly and strutted quickly out the door. The green haired male but his lip and giggled.
     "You're such a challenge..."
  The door jingled shut as he watched the girl jog away with the bag in her arms. The street lights casting her shadow a-wiry. His green eyes glowed in the empty shop as he inhaled the last of her sent.

      "I love it."

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