Love is like shit covered in honey stinks no matter how much you suagr coat it.

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25 or 27 votes again I'm so sorry for the lack in updates I love you all🖤🖤🖤🖤 (this is usually the number I get my shit together so yeah...

"Do you love me?"


    Izukus eyes went wide as his breathing hitched. His head dropped and his shoulders went stiff. She didn't even miss a beat...

   "Why?" His voice cracked.

   "Why don't you love me?" He looked into her eyes almost angrily.

   "Have I not made it obvious? Why, WHY DONT YOU LOVE ME?!" He shouted as tears started to well in his sad, green eyes. Y/ns eyes went sharp as she scowled apathetically.

   "I don't even know you." She spat. Izuku frowned and he glared. She wasn't wrong, they had known each other for...what... a few months? Izuku couldn't think of anything to show her since words were obviously not enough. Struck with an idea he acted, He moved to kiss her, show her that he really loved her, but stopped short when he felt Y/n flinch and her breathing hitch. She radiated anxiety.


"You may not know me but I know you..." he whispered huskily into her ear before pecking her cheek and walking away. Y/n stayed shaking as the door shut. She slid down the wall and hugged her knees to her chest tightly with wide eyes as tears streamed freely down her rose coloured cheeks. Memories. Horrible, horrible, memories. Stupid school...always the cause of PTSD.

  'I need to calm down and stop feeling sorry for my self...I'm starting to sound like some basic basic protagonist in a shitty fan fiction....' Y/n thought bitterly. 'I don't need a knight in shining armour to save me from my inner demons and monsters, I'm a big girl in my god damn big girl pants.'

'I just want to go home...' those were the most unthinkable words in the history of her life she had ever thought. Her parents were over their rough patch so now they were all lovey dovey' for the past few years so no more verbal abuse, yaaayyy... but it was still annoying to be home. They're constant 'please do this Y/n' and 'That needs to be done Y/n' and all the affection from her sister to her hubby and her parents was just disgusting. And being asked everything of you? To do litterally EVERYTHING, is EXHAUSTING.

"Hey, Y/n." There were three knocks as she heard Dabi's voice. She jumped at the suddenness of noise and shakily opened the door looking at Dabi through her eyelashes with a pink face. Dabi's eyes widened as he felt an over protective instinct take over. He grabbed Y/ns wrist and hugged her, over the time she had been there Dabi and Y/n grew rather close. "What happened.." he mumbled. Y/n shook her head and tried to push him away. "LEt Go..." her voice cracked. As she tried to suck up/wipe away the salty streams of distain that dropped down her cheeks with out stop.

    "Not until you tell me what's wrong."
  It was like a tsunami was being filtered through her eyes, her orbs taking the debris as the water leaked from the spots in between.

    "When did you become so caring, ass hole?" Y/n snarled defensively. Dabi frowned, his brown furrowing.

    "Since we became friends, dumbass!"

   Y/ns eyes turned sharp as she managed to duck out of his grip.

    "I don't rember ever calling us friends." She spat the word like venom. She wasn't thinking straight, wild e/c eyes were flicking everywhere as her breathing became erratic.

   'Shit I'm hyper ventilating! I need to just take deep breaths...'

  Dabi extended his hand again to try and calm her down seeing as she was having a panic attack.

   The look of Dabi extending his hand flashed to a boy, a boy she once knew.

    'Nope, I'm just gonna make my self pass out..' Y/n slammed her fist into her chest and her knees gave out as she went unconscious.

    "Y/n!" Dabi was late to catch her and she made a very Audible thud as she hit the hard ground.

     "Shit.." he grumbled. 'God damn it caring for people is such a damn strain...' his thoughts filled annoyed commentary Dabi picked Y/n up so she rested on his back and brought her to her makeshift medical office to lay on a gurney. He hovered over her and brushed some hair from her face and smiled. 'I'm damn lucky to have a friend like you...even if you don't consider me a friend, I think you do...' He didn't smile, but kept a straight soft expression.

     "The fuck are you doing?" A dark voice snarled from the door way. There stood Izuku in all his glory. "Why are you always doing this shit huh? Did I not tell you to back off? She's MINE you fucking dunce! Get it through your stapled skull!" Izuku snarled striding over in long steps and picking Dabi up by his shirt collar. Dabi glared back.

      "It doesn't seem like she WANTS to be yours, Deku." He snarled. "You're acting like a selfish hero only coming to save one person out of thousands then bail. Stain would disapprove..." Dabi snarled. Izuku growled, "Bastard... you think I care about that pathetic Stain? He truly is a STAIN on this earth! A pain in the ass! Just. Like. You." Izuku trashed on Dabi relentlessly. "You worship that scum like a god and for what? He's in jail. For a very. Very. Long time. He won't help out cause anymore!" Izuku started to shout.

    Y/n stirred.

  Dabi noticed her shifting and her face scrunch. His sharp glowing electric blue eyes glared at Izukus green glowing eyes with hate.

    "You should leave, before she wakes up." Izuku but his tongue knowing he was right. She would just be upset again and go into another episode.

    "Oh, by the way, We're going out on a stake out mission. One for all said we'll be moving temporarily to a convention site and the hero's we have locked up are being moved to a location." Izuku spat- quite litterally- at Dabi. "There's a high tech island we're going to be crashing to obtain some new technology and aid our cause. So get the fuck moving!" Izuku snarled and left the room.
Dabi felt a dark aura behind him, stronger than Izukus hate.

    "I was told I wasn't going to have to participate in missions."

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