Why ya like books? Because in public its like a giant middle finger to fuck off.

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      A/n: how the litteral unicorn shit are you guys BREAKING UR QUOTA FASTER THAN THE 15 vote Quota?! I will not raise it for now so 20 votes = Next chapter

a few weeks later

   "Y/nnnnnn~" a whiney voice cried from her doorway. Spikey green hair and forest green eyes poked from her doorway and Y/n rolled her own e/c eyes. "Yes Izuku?" "Were going to be raiding a hero gathering in a few days~ Do you want to come?" He purred slinking into her room.

    "Of course not. That sounds god aweful and like I'll actually need to do physical things! That takes to much work and energy." Y/n spat turning an old page of a little red book tattered and worn with a silhouette of a little girl with a cape on carrying a basket. Izuku plopped him self down onto her bed with his head on her lap. "Do you miss your family?" Izuku asked suddenly. Y/n stopped mid page turn and her body turned rigid. 'Oh how I wish I could lie'

       "At times, yes. But they'll manage with out me. It's best I don't leave here or someone might notice me." She replies smoothly. "Oh...Well you have me now! I'll be your family!" Izuku cheered. Y/n chuckled and closed her book. "I wana go swimming again! Let's have another

"Izuku," she sighed like a knowing parent, he looked back. "We need our swim suits and after yesterday's incident I think we should just stay inside..." Izuku frowned and pouted. "I felt with them though! And we take down all the posters that pop up daily!" He whined, "Yes, but the likely hood I'll run into my family is higher than I'd prefer since were still in the same town." She ran a hand through her hair. "Hey hey, what if I rent out a pool instead of us going to the beach?! Actually, I'll just buy the one down the street!" Izuku giggled. Y/ns eyes widened. "THATS SO MUCH MONEY, THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YA!?" She slammed her red book down on his head violently. Izuku crippled to the ground, held his head gently as he whined. "Owowowowowowowowow.....that b-books like an inch thick how the hell did that hurt so badly?!" He gripped his skull. Y/n clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes.

"Toughen up buttercup, if you get knocked down just get back up, or else you'll just be told to suck it up." Y/n rolled her eyes opening another old green book equally tattered as the previous. A dark green tortoise silhouette donned the book this time. "What's with that weird rhyme?" Izuku questioned with a tilt of his head. Y/n tilted her head back at him. "Oh, just an old family rhyme that's just kinda stuck." She shrugged. "Oh... your family sounds kinda like a drag." Izuku pouted on his knees with his arms crossed on her bed, his head rested on said arms with a pouting lip.
"Yeah, my older sisters super rebellious so none of the family sayings or punishments really worked on her, she was always out with friends so she was almost never around for punishments anyways." Y/n shrugged. "What about you?" His eyes sharpened as a slight shadow cast his eyes. 'I'll finally find out more about her... her family...I can write it down in my journal later.'

"Meh, I usually just hung out with Yahiko and we'd watch movies at his place with our other friend Machiko. AkA Machi, or Matches because of his pyro obsession." Y/n snickered to her self tempering the time Machiko almost lit her house on fire and her parents banned him from her neighborhood . Man, old man Hachi complained for months on how loud they were... "Did their punishments and scoldings work?" He pressed. So far all he knew is she had two MALE, friends and she hung out with them! HE KNEW MORE ABOUT THEM THAN HER!!!

"Eh, I guess. Eventually I just got tired of crying every time they'd smack me, or tell me their god awful rhymes that made me pretty damn depressed; So I just found it simpler to just stay quiet and avoid them" she turned a page and flinched, "damn... stupid paper cuts." She rolled her eyes with a sigh sucking on her thumb disappointed. Izuku frowned.

'Those bastards hit her? They HIT her?! How could they hit this ANGEL, this GODDESS?! I'll kill them... every time hey cry and whimper! I'll tell them to *toughen up buttercup, if you're knocked down just get back up, or else you'll be told to suck it up.* They'll bleed, cry, BEG, DO ANYTHING FOR MERCY! BUT WILL I GIVE IT TO THEM-'

"Hey, IZUKU! Stop with the threatning aura, you're ruining the chill vibe of my room dude." She snarled with a dark expression. He snapped out of it and his forest eyes returned and darted over to her.


"HEY LET GO OF ME YA FREAKIN BEAN SPROUT!" Y/n shouted trying to escape the smothering grasp of Izuku. "Awwwe my poor darling! Such a sad childhood, you have me now! I'll make you all happy and fuzzy insideee~" he giggled. "Y-YOU DAMN IDIOT, WHAT THE HECK HOW DO YOU HAVE SUCH A GRIP YOU PSEUDO BAR TENDER!" She shrieked with pink cheeks, her ears scarlet. "YOU'RE SO CUUUUUUTE!" He cheered locking his legs around her squirming and struggling body.

"Ahem." Izuku glared at the doorway. "Kuuuuuuuuurogiriiiiiiiiiiiii" Izuku droned with a dark shadow. "Miss Y/n, your shipment of sweets have arrived." He informed bowing. "Hn, Thanks Kurogiri. I'll be right down." Y/n nodded dismissively. He bowed again and left, "WAIT AND STOP CALLIN ME 'MISS', IM NOT THAT OLD!" She howled raiding his fist and shaking it. Dabi popped in this time monotonously informing the two,

"Hey, Deku, we're heading out today instead. Plans change so hurry up! We move out in ten." He left.
"Damn it... Are you sure you won't come with us?" Izuku pleaded. "Yep. Kurogiri is gonna come back with my books soon too so I'm good." She dismissed opening her green book again. Izukus grip on her waist went lax' and he frowned. "We're gonna be gone for a few days, are you-"

"YES! I'm 100% sure now stop asking! God you're being such a freakin pain in the ass!" She snarled. Izuku frowned and let go of her leaving the room.

"Ok...bye..." he frowned.

-a week later-

"Hn, it's been longer than Izuku said. Wonder if they died." Y/n murmured turning the page in her blue old book.

Y/n death stared at Kurogiri. 'I. Fucking. DARE. you. bitch.'

     "Y/n, Izuku and Dabi are about to come back with a certain hero. Please be ready to handle the sight." Kurogiri informed the female who quietly read an old tattered blue book, a light blue rabbit silhouette barley visible on the cover. "M'kay, please tell me when they arrive and I'll be right over." Kurogiri bowed out of the room and closed the door.

     'Ready my self for the sight? What on earth? Who is he bringing in? I hope I don't have to do another medical procedure... those are so messy and...obnoxious.'

     "They are here." Kurogiri popped into the room through portal, leaving it over for Y/n to jump through. 'Oh goodness... if the portals open it must be serious...' quick as a rabbit, Y/n grabbed her small white medical case and hurried to the vortex. Arriving in the interrogation room Y/ns jaw went slack. Eraser head, Joke, and Gun slinger, bound and unconscious in three metal chairs dripping blood. A badly damaged Dabi and Izuku were collapsed on the ground in their own blood. Shaking her head and swallowing her salavia that had filled her mouth, she looked to Kurogiri with calm eyes.

     "Kurogiri, please go empty a hospital of supplies, including gurneys and medical lights. A few doctors if you could."

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