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       20 votes sorry guys I got heckin sick n I had tons of catch up work T_T

"Y/- oh..." Izuku looked up and glared deathly at Dabi, his emerald eyes glowing at the stapled male. Releasing the unconscious female from his hold he limped over to Dabi who simply smirked and leaned against the door frame. "Lookie here." Dabi smirked. In the time Y/n had been staying with the small organization Dabi and her had gonna on multiple errand runs for little things and nesecitys. Replenishing food cabinates n fridges, the works.

"Let's talk." Izuku smiled though his body language screamed danger. His body's muscles flexed slightly in natural instinct to his blood lust. Walking like it's no big deal that he just had an eight hour OP and healed almost compleay, Izuku discarded his IV drip. Dabi and Izuku went to the hallway and Izuku slammed a leg near Dabi's hip keeping him on the wall.

'Kabedon? Is this what girls are always dreaming about? It's not very sexy... just kind of...awkward...' the stapled male thought to him self uncomfortable with the situation and slightly annoyed.

"You and MY, darling are getting along quite well. TOO, well." Izuku gave another dark closed eye smile.

'I'm going to cut this shit right now and hope he bleeds to death! Y/n is my darling! We should be getting along better than this shit stain and my darling flower!' Izuku thought bitterly and jealousy flooded his veins. 'I want to go on errands with Y/n, I want to be her only focus! But this trash is taking away her attention from me! He's taking HER away from me! I don't want her to leave!'

"She's fun to be around an knows when to shut up. Not to mention she can take a hit." Dabi smirked rembering last week Wednesday when he punched her arm and she fell into the street getting nicked by a car, then proceeding to punch a hole in the window and dent the cars hood. Yeah, she can take a hit.

Izukus emerald eyes widened. "You HIT HER." He snarled slamming his fist and shattering the wall. Dabi's eyes widened. "N-no.. well-"

"Why the fucking hell are you guys so loud..." a closed eye Y/n slumped from the door frame.

"Darling! I'm so sorry to wake you up, go back in the room and I'll be right back!" He peeked up and gave a fake smile to her. She shook her head.

"I'm goin to my room, night." She waved and walked away not looking to them. Izuku felt anger swell in his chest. 'Damn it ruined my chance to be with Y/n!' Izuku buried his fist in Dabi's stomach making the male cough up blood, not expecting the violent hit. He fell to the ground holding his stomach. "Stay AWAY from Y/n." He spat and walked away. Dabi rolled his eyes and continued to try and push him self up, eventually making his way-using the wall as an aid- to his room in the base.

Izuku was fuming, all he wanted was to be with Y/n! Get her to eventually fall for him and so forth. Simple.
He Arived at Y/n's door and opened it to find her being pinned down by Toga with a knife to her throat. Izuku launches him self at Toga and tackled her off.

* rewind he past few minuets to see how this happened :)*

Y/n yawned and rubbed her eyes as she waved the two boys off. She yawned again extending her arms as she was almost to her room.

"You think you're all THAT HUH?" Toga giggled coming out of the shadows. "Scize me?" Y/n rose an eyebrow. "You're taking Deku away from me! He's mine ya know!" She snarled with a shit eating smile. Y/n shook her head and loped her head to the side, "I don't know shit about who's who's in this wack place. I shit you not I just want to go waste my time away doing something I enjoy." Y/n sighed. Toga brought her hand down to stab Y/n but she grabbed Togas hand and sunk her nails into her underside wrist and twisted. Toga screeched in pain as she dropped the knife and Y/n straddled her back. Leaning down her head so her breath ghosted Togas ear, Y/n mumbled darkly.

"I won't hesitate to kill you." She then left the flushed female and slammed her door shut.

"Pesky human." Was all Toga heard as she walked away.

"This...this feeling... I only love Deku! That's that!" She clutched her heart in denial. "I'll end her... then I won't have this weird feeling in my chest, and Deku will be all mine!<3"

"ONE PUAAAAAAAAANCHHHHH!" The title song rang in the blue headphones that donned Y/ns ears. Her S/c hand brushing a H/c strand of hair into a clip to keep the hair out of her face. Her door slammed open and a figure tackled her to the ground with a knife in hand. The door slammed shut and Y/n scratched at Togas hands. "Damn...BITCH!" Y/n gurgled out. Toga giggled, "That's not very nice to say to someone!" She hummed. "I think I'll cut your tongue out to make you shut your shit mouth!" She once more sang.

"TOGA!" Izuku slammed the door open and tackled her off the unconscious Y/n. Purple hand marks already lined her throat. Izuku lathed his hands on Togas throat straddling her as he snarled and shook her head back n forth.

"Are you brain dead?! How could you do something so IDIOTIC?! HOW DARE YOU HURT MY Y/N?! MY DARLING PRINCESS, MY GODDESS, MY ANGEL OF LIGHT! SHE IS MY EVERYTHING! And you...." his voice darkened. "You...Almost took her AWAY FROM ME..." he looked her dead in the eye, emerald glowing ones to dulling yellow ones. Conciseness was not an option for Toga as the stale air in her lungs started to fail her.

     "Midoriya!" Toga was ported into Kurogiris arms as Izuku snarled at said vortex man. "THAT THING ALMOST KILLED MY DARLING FLOWER! I WILL KILL HER NEXT TIME I SEE HER KUROGIRI!" His ears were red from his screaming. Kurogiri slammed the door shut and left Izuku alone with Y/n. He scooped up her body and placed it on her bed, her show-miraculously paused- the only light in the room. Izuku pulled the covers over her and shut her laptop putting it on her desk. Like a responsible child. He then moved to lay next to her, his arm and leg draped over her.

"You're mine... I'll never let anyone hurt you ever, my darling flower."

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