Do you love me?...

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25 VOTES NEXT CHAP YALL GOT 25 IN TWO DAYS WTFFFFFF this is a little shorter than usual but next chap will hopefully have some drama:333

"Izuku Midoriya"

    Y/n stared dead into his glowing eyes and she smirked. "What, am I getting to ya?" She hummed as she tilted her head. "Am I, annoying you, how about intimidating?" Y/n sneered. "Yeah, you look real intimidated green bean. Kinda shook, but angry at the same time." Y/n chuckled darkly. "It's almost amusing." She snarled, baring her pearly whites. "You thought you were the hot shot. Stalking me, getting to try and know me." Y/n frowned as he wasn't giving the reaction she elicited. "But now I'm in charge of the situation." She attempted to make it known he wasn't going to boss her around, he's most definitely a control freak so let's see just how this goes.

     But, Izuku only stared back with a slight glare at the intimidating aura, vibe,  Y/n was showing towards him. Like she was deliberately trying to piss him off. "You should answer my question..." she threatened as she pushed her face closer, so their noses almost touched. She gave a slight, cocky, turn of her head at she continued to patronise him. "In feats of strength I bet I'd win." Y/ns smirk increased as Izukus glare became sharper, more fierce. "Hey...why the silence..." She snarled and slammed her other hand down next to his head. "I told you to answer me you green bean, you tryna push my buttons?" She spat.
      "You should watch your mouth..." Izuku snarled and flipped her, slamming her back into the dresser and knocking the wind from her lungs. Her back arched is discomfort as a drawer handle dug into her lower back. The chipped wood dug into her wrists as Izuku pressed them near her head.

      "Fucking nosey, aren't you? My past is nothing to you." He snarled, their lips almost touching Y/n glared into his green eyes. Those glowing green eyes that always held some sort of mischief. This seemed almost if a test of who'd give in first and prove the other superior. Neither would, that would be showing weakness to your prey. Prey...yes that's what the situation was like. The room was filled to the brim with blood lust! You could cut it with a toothpick! Y/n wanted something as did Izuku, and when two hard headed people butt heads, who may or may not boy be somewhat unstable...well. This could possibly get out of hand. "Damn it.." he sneered and slammed his fist  next to Y/n as he growled. "I...HATE..." He practically vomited the word out, like it scratched his vocal chords to even say, "How you make me you..." Y/n furrowed her brows. "What are you talking about?" She whispered taking shallow breaths to avoid brushing lips with the male in front of her. "How obtuse can you be?!"

"Excuse me?!" Y/n snarled offended. 'This green bean calls ME obtuse?!'

"What's your damn problem?!"

"I should be saying that to you! You don't notice shit! You don't take anyone's words serious and..." Izuku trailed off gulping down his saliva that managed to fill the back of his throat. It tasted more like bile is anything. This girl was a living nightmare...yet he couldn't help but be fascinated- no... absolutely attracted to her in ever way. She was hard headed and always stuck to her opinion. Not to mention her no filter embedded into her genetics. She was always reading some old fairy tale book as well, she was just interesting. She's caring and smart. What's not to love? Love...yes he did indeed love her. It wasn't just a, Experiment and Scientist relationship it was love. The act of two people coming together. But she would never know unless she was flat out with her, simple right?

"And. what." Y/n spat grinding her teeth. This was not how she hoped this would go. She wanted to corner him, and him tell her what she wanted to know, then back to room. Simple.

"And..." Izuku seemed like saying what he wanted to say, was like pouring poison down his throat or his vocal chords were being ripped out.

"What?! Just tell me! What's so hard to say?!" Y/n snarled.
   "Stop being a little chicken you wet blanket!" She stomped her foot into the solid ground earning a solid *THUNMP* and smacked the wall in frustration.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again damn it!" He shouted, searching, desperate, for anything to show she was just joking, and that she really knew what he was saying. Y/n glared, 'what is he talking about?!'

"I LOVE YOU, YOU OBTUSE, BOOK OBSESSED, DAMN IDIOT!" She stood standing stiff as Izuku slammed his hand into the wall once more but this time making a small crater. Some plaster fell onto her shoulder but when un noticed by them both.

  He growled and Y/ns eyes widened.
    'What...What the hell did he just say? Why would he throw such serious words around like that?! We've known each other for barley a few months!' Looking down, almost shamefully as he was taking advantage of Y/n's only weakness, he asked the words he would eternally forget.

"Do you love me?"

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