Stalker or savior? I truly dont give a fuck just give me my cakes back.

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"Ugh, so he's the one I've been feeling watched by... how disgusting!" Y/n snarled, her fist clenching around the bag full of sweets her stalker had bought. "Hey! Y/n!" Head snapping around with a ferocious, traffic topping glare. "Woah! What's with the eye death threat?" Realizing her stalker wasn't addressing her she huffed and looked to face her friend with a normal expression. "Sorry, just felt with a....... Problem. Anyway what's up?" She offered a sheepish smile to apologize for trying to stab him and burn his corpse with her eyes. "Oh god... Y/n... you DELT with a PROBLEM... you killed someone didn't you?!"
"Shut up Yahiko! I so did not!"
"Yeah to!"
"Nuh uh!"
"Oh yeah?! Then what did you do to this so called, 'PROBLEM'?!"
"I merely burned it with logic and words."
"So you threw him in a pile of burning books... you monster!" Light glinted off of Yahikos eyes teasingly as his orange hair ruffled in the slight breeze, he shivered.
"You are seriously an ice queen y/n!" He laughed rubbing his arms for warmth as Y/n just leaned on her hip. She scoffed. "You're just a weakling to the weather."
"Me? Weak?! I saved your ass back in middle school when you got in that fight with that third year!"
"Ya make it sound like you did something in the fight." Y/n deadpanned looking to her orange haired friend blandly.
"I GOT A TEACHER AND MADE IT SEEM LIKE ORI WAS THE BAD GUY FOR YOU!" He wailed. Y/n laughed and Yahiko joined in. The two started to walk back to 'her' car laughing about child hood memories. "Ah, well this is mine. Thanks for walking me back, mr. 'knight in shining armor'" Y/n teased pointing at his dungeons and dragons T-shirt with a knight on a white horse in shining white armor. Going along with her joke Yahiko bowed and spoke with a British accent, "Why of course-th' fair-th' maiden-th'! I shall-eth' alway-" "oh em gee shut up already Yahiko!" She laughed slapping his shoulder. "Owwww! Y/nnnnn!!" He whined. She rolled her eyes and laughed as Yahiko walked away.


    Y/n snapped around to face a tall male next to her in the passenger side of the car, the gun was put to her forehead and she glared. "Were going on a little drive, missy." The blonde smiled kindly like he wasn't about to pump her skull full of lead. Y/ns grip on her bag tightened and she snarled. "Cool your tits blondie! I have to get the keys! And for the record you're a shit kidnapper!" She scoffed and took out the car key and revved the engine. "Y-you're just going along with this? No struggle?! And what do you mean I'm a shit kidnapper?!" He broke threatening character and became a blubbering mess. "Put the fucking gun down and put in the address ya want me to go to!" She huffed impatiently flicking her hair over her shoulder while buckling her self in and rolling down the window of the car. The man suspiciously put down the gun and put in the address to the unlocked phone. Y/n opened the bag and he dropped her phone and pulled the gun up again. "ITS A BAG OF PASTERIES CHILL DUDE." She snarled pulling out a fork with a bite of strawberry chocolate cheesecake on it. "Oh..sorry." Finishing the task of putting he address in y/n scarfed the cake down and smirked licking her lips. "Hold on tight." Quickly taking note how there was no more trash and sticky everywhere she decided to reward the villain with the car ride of a life time. 'This is for wrecking my night by showing up.' She thought bitterly as she pulled out of the parking spot and drove like a normal person. Until they made it outside the city limits.

y/n paused for a second rewarding with a confused and suspicious glance. "Is the gun safety off?" "Yes." "Good."

Taking a deep breath she watched as the mans shoulders tensed and drove her food as hard as possible into the gas peddle. Tail fishing for no more than a split second she whooped as she hit a button and the roof came down as the scream of her kidnapper floated through the air like music. "WERE GOINA DIE!" He screamed. Y/n laughed a bit psychotically and hit the acceleration button and the world was a blur as she made turns sharp enough to make anyone think they saw Valhalla. Eyes flicking to the right to glance at the directions she grinned and looked out to the ocean next to her and the rails. She Flickr she's eyes to the mirror and saw a portal vortex of purple open and grinned as a cat came through following her. "LETS TAKE A SWIM YEAH?!" She laughed as she jerked the wheel to the left violently and the car went over the edge. The man screamed with wide eyes trying to abandon ship but his seatbelt wouldn't budge. Y/n laughed the whole way down, but before the female could make contact with the Icy ocean water she felt light headed and was back on land with the blonde Man. Smirking she turned to face a vortex man in a bar tenders tux. "Y-YOU'RE CRAZY!" He ran off terrified for his life. Y/n sneered but then went wide eyed. "You!" She snarled, glaring harshly at the male a few meters away. "Ahaha yes darling love bird it is I~" the green bean cooed affectionately. She snarled by snapping her teeth, "give them back." "Give what back, love?" He fluttered his eyes flirtatiously. "Gross go die, Give me back my sweets your fiend!" She spat, litterally, at their feet. His green eyes turned those of bloodlust. "What did you say?" "Ahem." Broccoli head looked up at the vortex man and snarled. "Y/n L/n, quirk: truth. Drawback: always brutally honest." Vortex looked her directly in the eye and she didn't back down. "Join us, our corporation could use a quirk like yours." "Nope." She shot down instantly and started to walk away. "Your phone, wallet, and keys are in that car that's at the bottom of the ocean. How do you expect to get home?" Greeney taunted. "I'll fine a way." "With out your favourite treats ?" He giggled. Y/n froze and instantly sped stormed over to him and got close and personal to his face. "Hell. No" she snatched them away and Green snarled. "Bitch!" "What ever!" "We can offer you something in return." Vortex bribed. "Oh really? What?" She spat. "All the sweets your heart desires." He taunted, "all we ask if you use your quirk so we can get information from others." "I'm in."
"Just like that?" Vortex man was honestly a bit shocked that's all it took. "Yeah, it's obvious I won't have to lacerate someone or really do anything requiring physical strength. You guys will probably be doing that. Therefore I get more out of this deal than you, so I accept. Let's go." She walked past the men and opened the car door sitting in the back and opening her container of pudding.

"Truly a spectical..."

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