Cleaning Hag, Shut it Staples.

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"This place is a dump and smells like alcohol. You are slobs and this is just disgusting." Y/ns nose crinkled in disgust. 'How can anyone live in such a sticky and god awefull place?' Y/n thought, her arms went to her chest instinctually as to not touch anything. "It's a bar Toots, it's not very clean to begin with." "Does it look like I care? You can still clean."

"DEKU- KUN!~" Y/n side stepped a flying blob of blonde. Continuing to walk around inspecting Vortex man followed. "I'll show you to your room." "Thanks, can you show me where the cleaning supplies are aswell? You seem decent so I'll say no offense but your 'HQ', is god awefull." She stated simply. "Ah, yes, well...we do not have cleaning Supplies..." He trailed off. "......I require money, and a cheesecake. Also, what's your name?" Y/n continued walking. "Kurogiri." "Hn, I honestly don't care I don't know why I asked. Anyways, is this my room? If so thank you I'll be on my way now." Y/n turned and walked away with a stack of cash in her pocket. Ah the art of pick-pocketing. So simple.

"Deku dear! Aren't you happy to see me!? I know you ABSOLUTLY missed me!" "Get off Toga! Ugh! I don't like you!" "But Deku I LOVE YOU!" She whined. Y/n walked silently against the wall to avoid getting caught up in the mess.

A knife was embedded only a few inches from her nose in the wall.

"Who's this chick? Why's she sneakin around." Y/n looked blankly over to the scarred up male with black hair and blue fire around his hands. "Tch, watch where you're throwing things you twat. Nose abrasions are obnoxious to deal with." She rolled her e/c irises and continued walking. "Yeah Dabi's right! Who's this girl!" The blonde stood up off of green bean-er sorry. Deku, with a knife in hand.

"Oh Dearest! You're back! Did Kurogiri show your room already? No fun..." Deku whines leaning back on his elbows. Blonde seemed to fume at the pet name.

"Deku-KUN! Why'd ya call her dearest?! I'm your dearest! You love ME! ME! Not HER! ME!"

"Shut the FUCK UP TOGA!"


"I see you're all getting acquainted, Dabi, would you please walk Y/n to the market?"

"Yeah sure, what ever."

"Kurogiri I wanted to go with her!"

"No way! Spend time with me! Why do you like her so much you've known ME LONGER!"

"Would everyone SHUT UP."

All eyes turned to the man covered in hands.


"Are you into some weird ass kink or somethin? No shade, but yeah."

Dabi snorted and Y/n cracked a smirk his way, her eyes flicking over to him.

"You damn brats woke me up... who's this?" Handsy pointed to Y/n lazily as he sat down on a semi sticky bar stool.

"Names Y/n, I don't know your name not that I really care to so I'm just gonna call you Handsy. You seem like a touchy feely type of guy." Hah, if only she knew. "Tomura, this is our newest recruit. Y/n L/n, she was just about to leave to obtain cleaning supplies." "What? Why?" "Beca-"

"Because the state of this place is very vexing to me. It's a total dump and you seem to have no consideration to the state of your so called HQ. It's trash, since I'm stuck here I'm cleaning. Good bye." Y/n sneered bluntly and grabbed Dabi's hand fearlessly as Deku whines and Toga shouted.

"You sure are honest, no fear huh." Dabi smirked. This girl, she's interesting. Her e/c orbs were quite dull with Boredom, yet her mouth spoke words that could start wars. Truly interesting. "That's my quirk, Truth. If I activate it while touching someone I get the truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth for twenty four hours. It's engraved for me to tell when someone's lieing. It's quite a bother. People lie so often it's disgusting." Her face contorted as her sharp eyes squinted. "Ignorance is bliss, lucky bastards take that for granted." Her eyes rolled. Dabi nodded, "Truth." He smirked. Y/n looked up with a risen eyebrow. "Was that a pun I detected?" She smirked back. "We're here." He cut her off. "Ugh, gross... stores... interactions..." she muttered. Humans, disgusting. Y/n looked up at the stars and sighed. 'This is such an eventful night I'm exhausted...'

    As the two entered the cleaning aisle Y/ns eyes sparkled. Dabi took notice of the seeming personality chance as her eyes seemed more child and doe like. 'Guess that looks kind of cute-' his thought process was abruptly cut off as a bottle of windex made contact with his face.

  "What the hell was that for?!" He snarled.

  "Shut it and hold my stuff you stapler reject!" She shot back tossing two mops and two brooms his way with another bottle of windex.

   "Some fresh rags...towels...more towels, an extra set just in case... some bottles of soap..." y/n muttered going on a tangent as Dabi struggled to catch all the products. There was THREE, cases of TWELVE rolls of paper towels. WHO NEEDS THIS MUCH PAPER TOWLES? And she had new rags in the pile too! Choose one woman! Two sets of Three bottles of liquid dish soaps, two mops, the list goes on! She has backups for her BACKUPS. Who the hell has this much cleaning supplies. "One more broom-Chan.." she mumbled throwing another broom hitting Dabi in the face leaving a red mark across his nose. "GOD DAMN IT THIS IS ENOUGH!" He howled from behind the stack of things. "Shut up Stapler." She rolled her eyes and walked sassily over to the deserts Section and smiled at the bakery lady who looked ABSOLUTLY exhausted. "What can I get you dear?" Y/n could never hate anyone who could bake sweets. Never. "I'll take four cupcakes, two fruit tarts, three eclairs, and nine macarons please!" She gave a heart shaped smile as Dabi grunted struggling to make his way to her.

    "God damn it you cleaning obsessed Hag!"

            "Shut it Staples."

1055 word count

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