Lovley little killer

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     AN: IKR? AN UPDATE? WHATS THAT? Anyways thank you everyone for your votes and lovely comments and your DM's warm my heart🖤 thank you all for being so patient with me and still loving this story. I tried to put this up for the 2019 Wattys and FUCKED UP CAUSE I ACCIDENTALLY FILLED IN THE SUMMARY WITH TWO SENTANCES AND FUCKING PRESSED SUBMIT AND NOW I CANT EDIT IT. ALSO WEVE MADE IT TO 1K VOTES LIKE HOLLY SHIT I LOVE ALL OF YOU! Anyways on with the story!

Edit: Happy 2020😅😅😅 thank you for all the love, I started this chap soooo long ago but never finished it. While I tried finishing it today ALMOST EVERYTHING DELETED AND DIDNT SAVE Anyways here ya go!

"I hate this."
      "I hate you."
      "And you, and you, and you."
  Y/n continuously grumbled as they traveled in the chopper to some high tech island that she had never heard of. Apparently they were to raid the island of gear or something like that. Her e/c eyes glared sharply at everyone as she was making her annoyance and hate for the situation known.
        "Kuro, please pass me a cookie." Y/n crossed her legs like the spoiled princess she is, Izuku looked away and Toga glared. Dabi just shifted not really caring.

"If you're gonna just complain, why did you come?!" Toga sassed, though she really was thinking 'I'm so glad you came! Your angry e/c eyes are so cute! And your red cheeks flushed with rage are adorable~'

Y/n shot a sharp look. Not having it with ANYBODYS SHIT.

"I didn't want to come to begin with." She sneered at the blonde like she was nothing more than dirt on her shoe.

'UWAAAAA THAT WAS SO HOT!' Toga screamed inside.

"If I could, I would slit all your throats-except for Kurogiri- and go back home." She was more than enraged. Izuku's green eyes widened a fraction.


   What did she mean by go home?

   'Does she mean leave me? And go to her parents house? Or back to the base? Does she possibly consider the base her home now?' Vibrant green eyes glazed over with envy and jealousy.
    'Or does she mean home with that fucking tangerine...'
  Izuku laced his fingers as his eyes filled with dark intent. If she wanted to go anywhere else that was not with him, or going back to the base...

    'Should I break her leg? Or legs? Or maybe cut her foot off with a pocket knife..' green eyes looked to the legging clad female in sandals.

It was obvious through her cold and venomous tone she was pissed. Yet Kurogiri gave a grateful nod in her direction. She was so mature and respectful of you were approved by her. In all honesty he would choose Y/n over Tomura any day. He was more like a butler to her, while for Tomura he was a baby sitter. How exhausting. For her he simply needed to bring nineteen books and be at her call for sweets which was every day at 9:00 am, 10:00am, 6:00 pm, and 10:00 pm. Other than that she took care of her self. So much more self sufficient.

The chopper rocked violently and Y/n slid out the opening with wide e/c eyes as turbulence disrupted the loud, yet serene trip across the ocean. The female managed to grab onto the bottom side of the machine and swayed violently in the wind. Dabi, who sat next to her, Was first to act and pull her back into the chopper. Izukus eyes widened as he watched his 'love' inches from hitting the ocean like concrete. Dani's large hand gripped her wrist securely and pulled her back in. He couldn't let his comrad die yet now could he? The only bearable person in the group...gone...what a horrible thought.

'How dare he save her! Taking my spotlight... Worthless shit should die! I'm the only one who can touch her at all!' Izuku thought to him self possessivly.

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