Keep your grubby blood stained hands off of me!

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Dekkkkuuuuuu~!" The blonde named Toga whined chasing Izuku up the stairs into the main bar room. "God, Toga, LEAVE ME ALONE!" He shouted storming into the room with a white knuckle fist tensely shoved in his pockets. "Both of you get out!" Y/n snarled with a sharp glare. Yoga laughed at the sight of Y/n with a pink and white polka dot handkerchief around her mouth and a fuzzy brown bear ear headband keeping hair from her face, the rest held up in a sloppy bun. "Hello Dearest~" Deku purred extending his blood soaked arms to embrace her. She held her feather duster out defensively and glared. "Don't touch me with those hands of yours! You're positively disgusting!" She seethed. Toga growled and lunged at Y/n covered in blood.

   "You Bitch! How dare you talk to Deku-kun like that!" She gripped around Y/ns throat and thrashed her around. Izuku was about to throw Toga off when Y/n brought the wooden end of her duster down on the middle of Togas head knocking her out. "Don't fucking touch me-great. Now I'm covered in blood!" Y/n groaned standing up and carelessly dropping Togas body onto the ground.

     "I'm going to the bath house." Y/n sighed not wanting to even imagine the bathrooms in this rundown joint. "Oh! I wanna go too! There's a very nice one super close!" Deku cheered with a smile. Y/ns nose crinkled under her make shift mask. "Hell no, stay away." She rolled her eyes folding up her things and putting away her supplies in the closet. 'I'll clean the blood later... this is tile it shouldn't stain.' Walking out the door  Izuku followed in tow with a smile. 'It's to much effort to make him not go... besides bath houses are separated-wait...' Turning around abruptly she was met face to chest with a shirtless Izuku. "The hell are you doing? You look ridiculous." She rolled her eyes. Izuku frowned and wrapped his arms around her form trapping her. "We're going out! Don't want any pesky people calling the police on a man covered in blood!" Her nose crinkled. "I'll call them my self if you keep this up! Also You reek, release me this instant you walking Broccoli head!" She snarled. Taking his shirt off did little as there was still obvious signs of blood on him. Tch, villains. So messy it's deplorable.

    "Aaaaaand were here!" Deku giggled derangedly. Y/n frowned. 'Co-Ed...CO-ED?! ARE YOU BLOODY KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? DID I JUST JINX MY SELF OR IS THERE SOME GOD AWEFULL AUTHOR DESPERATE TO MAKE MY LIFE HELL.' Rubbing her s/c face and pushing back some stray h/c hair strands, Y/n stalked in. The place provided some shampoo and conditioner in a single bottle and body wash and towels. Maybe god didn't hate her so! "I'll help you undress~" A gloved hand touched her waist and she hissed. "Don't touch me trash. Go take care of your self! I hate your face!" She seethed. Izuku pouted but then frowned. A dark shadow covered his face as he harshly grabbed her jaw/chin area and made her look to him. His piercing forest green eyes glowed emerald as he stared into her hateful e/c orbs.

    "You'll learn to love me. You'll learn to adore me... you'll feel how I feel for you..." his voice was cold and dark, the words that spat from his mouth were like venom. They were threatning and spine chilling.

     "I'll never love you." She shoved him away with a single hand and wrapped up in a towel in her cloths and walked away to the bathroom stalls. Izuku fumed. 'This bitch... THIS BITCH THIS BITCH THIS BITCH! Shes Stupid! How dare she act like that?! To ME. IM HER LOVER, SHE WILL LOVE ME NO MATTER WHAT. ILL BE THE ONLY ONE FOR HER. I'll be all she has... SHE WILL BE MINE AND MINE ALONE!' Dark thoughts echoed in his head.


    His eyes turned back to the usual forest shade instead of the bright malevolent emerald glowing green color. Removing his black pants and boxers he wrapped a towel around him self and made it to the steamy baths. Y/n's figure scrubbing violently at her skin barley visible in the thick mist. He removed the towel and sat in the hot water and watched as he listened to the water splash around with her movements. It was a decently large bath, so there was a lot of room. Shifting uncertainty through the water along the edge he made his way to the female. Swimming... not his strongest point, actually, he can't really swim to begin with. Like, at all.

"Excuse you! Go back to your side of the bath!" Y/n scowled with a glare. Izuku rose an eyebrow and smirked. "Awe, but I wanna be near you! You always smell like flowers!" He smiled seductively with half lidded eyes. Y/n shook her head and snarled. The sun had about half an hour before coming up, so much had happened tonight. This was going to be a chance to really think. To reflect. But if he's here then none of that will happen.

As Izuku took another step toward the female he slipped from his footing and fell into a deeper part where he couldn't reach. 'Shit I can't swim!' His body froze up and he sank. Oxygen left his lungs and he screamed underwater... it-it was like the time Kacchan had half drowned him... the terror bubbles in his emptying chest. Arms wrapped around him and pulled him to the benching where they sat down. Izuku coughed on water as the liquid exited his system. Y/n had wide eyes as she hovered over him with true worry on her face.

    "Christ on a cracker!"

  She glared and gently hit her fist into his chest. "Are you an idiot?! You almost DIED!" She snarled with a glare. Hope swelled in his chest, 'she cares about me... someone cares...'

  "What kind of villain DIES by DROWING. That's pathetic." She spat. His green eyes darkened. "That's all you care about? All you care about is the fact I would have died a lame death?" His voice was deadly quiet but he was shaking with rage... "You don't care that I could have DIED, I COULD HAVE DIED BUT WOULD YOU CARE? NO!" He shouted with a scowl. Y/n only rolled her eyes which only added to the Green haired males rage. She merely studied him, for a second, before deciding how to respond. Honestly of course.

"No, I wouldn't care."

He went silent.

"But I'll teach you to swim if you want." She blinked simply. He blinked back in shock. She was so calm after being yelled at. "Why would you do that? You don't care about me." He sneered moving away. "True, I don't. But everyone should know to swim. Swimming is fun. It's the best really." A small smile graced her lips as a far off look reached her eyes before clearing her throat and looked back at him directly in his green orbs. "Swimming saves lives all the time. Knowing about water and currents saves lives. Therefore you should know." She gave a sly smirk, "besides, dieing because you need a floaty is pretty sad." Izukus eyes widened, this was... new-Not bad new, but new. A sly smirk of his own crossed over his freckled face. "My my Darling~ what a new side of you! Is this flirting for you?" He purred back to his usual annoyingly touchy self. He leaned closer with half lidded eyes. She shoved him away and snarled, "Don't make me take back my offer you twat!" She spat. Izuku giggles.

"Ok well, first I guess we should start off with doggy paddling.." Y/n chewed on her thumb nail. "Then floating on your back Incase you get tired so you don't drown." She hummed.

Wrapping a towel around her self and Izuku doing the same-through protests but Y/n slapped him shutting him up- She started her little swimming 101 lesson. Or as she called it, 'How not to die lesson one'.

"Yeah, just keep your head up and take calm breaths and push your feet out like you're riding a bike. Then claw at the water in front of you like someone's trying to drag you away and stab you." She stated simply.

"Like this?"

He kicked off but didn't move much.

"Nuh uh...umm how about you take a deep breath and hold it then make your hands more like shovels and cup the water! Then pull your arms back." As Izuku was about to push off mid push Y/n halted and Izuku spluttered water as his movement abruptly stopped. Y/n giggled, holding a hand over her mouth she turned away and couldn't help but laugh at his pouting face. "I was about to get it!" He whined. Y/n snorted regaining composure. Izuku looked at her with a completely serious gaze, not flirty, or possessive, or sadistic. But... genuine. A small cute smile on his freckled cheeks, as his eyes softened from their usual demented look.

"I adore you, Y/n."

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