Ch 1 - Neon: Origin

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Ch 1 - Neon: Origin

"Wahhhhhh! Wahhhhh!"

The baby's cry cut right through the walls, through the labyrinth-like hallways and right into the grand dining room of the Nishiyama penthouse. One would think that the baby was the one with an audio-based Quirk in the family.

"Wahhhhh! Wahhhh!"

"Neon! Please do something about that. We are trying to eat here," said Nishiyama Enko, the matriarch of the prestigious family as she dipped her silver spoon into the hot soup and brought it to her lips, sipping ever so delicately as not to make a sound and not to smudge her lipstick.

"Yes, Mother," her daughter said. The eight year old dropped her spoon with a loud clang and pushed her chair back with unnecessary force so the chairs would make a loud scratching sound against the cold marble floor that she knew her parents loathed.


"Neon!" Nishiyama Junichiro scolded. He glared at his daughter from the head of the table. Despite the fact that Neon took after him in physical appearance - the sharp cheekbones, the upturned brown eyes, and the small pointed nose - his middle child was like a complete stranger to him. He wished Neon would be more like her older brother, Koushi. He was just finishing up his first year in college and had given his parents practically no trouble since the day that he was born. Koushi had a useful Quirk, guaranteed to help extend the prestige and wealth of the Nishiyama family businesses for many years to come and, most importantly, a willingness to do so.

Neon, on the other hand...

Junichiro sighed. He could only hope that her attitude and defiance was only due to her age and that she will grow out of it soon.

"Sorry, Father," his daughter replied despite sounding otherwise and headed for the door.

"Wahhhhh! Wahhhh!"

"I didn't say you were dismissed from the table," Enko sighed, "Sit back down, Neon. Just use your Quirk so we can all have a nice, peaceful family dinner together. Let the nurses handle your sister. That's what we hired them to do."

"I'm full," Neon said without turning away from the door. Even so, she raised her right hand and snapped her fingers.

Immediately, a bubble appeared from the center of the room, encasing the dining table and those sitting around them. From her side of the bubble, Neon could still hear the cries but the relaxed shoulders of her father and the fact that her mother and brother returned to eating their second course let her know that her sound barrier was working perfectly.

"Wahhhhh! Wahhhh!"

The sound acted as an alarm, reminding Neon of the task at hand. She exited the dining room, knowing full well that she wasn't really in trouble for leaving without permission. Her parents valued their own well-being over everything else and having a peaceful dinner outweighed Neon's defiance and her presence at the table.

Neon went straight to her baby sister's room. When she entered the nursery, all the nurses greeted her with relieved smiles.

"Ojou-san. Thank goodness you're here," the head nurse said, an elderly lady with a white apron covering her grey dress. She handed the tiny baby to Neon and the cries immediately stopped when the baby's eyes connected with her sister's.

The baby gurgled a little laugh and then reached out to grab a long strand of her sister's black hair.

"It's okay, Akia-chan!" Neon cooed softly as she bounded the baby gently in her arms, "I'm here...Nee-chan is here..."

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