Ch 23 - Sounds Like an Internship II

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Neon made it a point to return to the office smelling like well-marinated meats, soy sauce, and smoke. She had a burger from a fast food chain but she purposefully ate it while standing inside a barbecue restaurant just so that the smell can sink into her every pore. Of course, Edgeshot wasn't there when she returned but she couldn't wait for him to return just to see his reaction.

Part of her wondered if his mask would drop and she could see the other half of his face. The mask must be for aesthetic reasons but she couldn't help imagining that the enigmatic Edgeshot was hiding the fact that he had fish roe lips or buckteeth.

She snorted as she resumed her training.

"Okay...Form!" she said and then sighed when her Double Bubble only formed around her head.

Okay. Not big enough...Maybe if I make a bigger sound...?

She released her bubbles and tried again.

"Ah!" she yelled but her Double Bubble still only went just below her chin.

She laid flat on her back while she wracked her brain. Inflating her bubble with sound would take up too much time. She needed to be able to do it instantaneously and on the fly. How the hell was she supposed to make a big enough bubble?"

"Come on...Be flexible, Neon..." she muttered to herself, "Think of an alternate route...The problem is size, right? So...If I can't adjust the size...or the timing of it...I need to think about what I canadjust-"

She sat up. "No...not adjust...MOVE!...I can move the placement!"

She stomped her feet and snapped her fingers, using the sound of her feet hitting the ground as the sound source to form Double Bubbles around her feet. Then she moved her hands up slowly.

"YES! I'm FLOATING!" she squealed when she started to hover up over the tatami mat.

Then realization dawned on her and she set herself back down.

"But I can't stomp my feet in the sky...There's no sound when I kick air..." she grumbled, "Okay...I'll ask for speakers on the bottom of my feet from the costume team next time but...What can I do now? If not my feet...then..."

She looked down at her hands and she tilted her head.


The formation of her bubbles combined with the sound of her fingers created a Double Bubble around her fists faster than any of the bubbles she's formed thus far.

"Okay...let's see if I can move the thing that moves them..." she gulped as she gingerly lifted her arms over her head and watched herself get pulled up to the ceiling.

"Dang!" Neon grinned, "This is like..a superhero flying pose! I'm going to need a cape!...Actually, naw. That's stupid, Neon. Get your head in the game!"

She went over to the window, opened it, and she looked out into the city. "Okay...Let's hope I don't die...SHISHOU, IF YOU CAN HEAR THIS, YOU BETTER CATCH ME IF I FALL!" she yelled as she walked backwards until she was at the farthest end of the room and then charged towards the window.

"Superhero pose!" she yelled as she thrust one fist in the air and kept her other hand close to her side. The momentum of her leap followed by the motion of her hands sent her soaring right out the window and through the open skies.

"HOLY FUCK!" Neon yelled as she saw the city streets whiz past below her. She was so happy that she had asked for a helmet in her costume, protecting her eyes and ears from the wind. She didn't think she'd use it for this so that was fortunate, "I'm doing it! I'm doing it! I'm flying! I'm...crap...How do I land?!"

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