Ch 04 - Sounds Like the First Day of School I

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This door is huge...What could possibly be the reason for such a tall door? Are the teachers here all 14 feet tall pro heroes? Do we have someone in our class who is that huge? Why is it this tall? Is this even necessary?!

Neon stood in front of the door for an inordinate amount of time with her head leaned way back so she could see the top of it. It had "1-A" painted on it so there was no mistaking that this was her class. She was supposed to be in on the other side of the door but she just couldn't get past it. The mystery of the door size was too captivating.

"Ahem..." Tenya coughed next to her before reaching over and opening the door himself, "Nishiyama-san, we cannot dawdle especially on the first day of class."

"Yeah..." was all Neon could say back as she begrudgingly followed him into the classroom. A loose cluster of floating sound bubbles trailed behind her.

On instinct, Neon's eyes immediately went to locate all the nearest exits and entry points. Her hand twitched for a second and she had to consciously stop herself from moving at least a sound bubble at every corner. Then, she assessed the occupants in the room.

Despite them arriving an hour early to campus, given Tenya's insistence of having ample time to familiarize himself with the school grounds, they managed to get to the class 15 minutes before class was about to start. Given that Neon was used to arriving whenever, she was privately surprised by how many people had already arrived and settled in their seats.

There were five rows of four with an extra seat in the back by itself in equal distance between the backdoor and the window. Most of the seats had already been filled up, which Neon didn't have much qualms about since the seat were assigned any ways. Everyone who had been talking silenced immediately and stared at Neon and Teyna. Some of the looked genuinely curious while others looked either bored or solemn.

I guess people really do take class seriously around here, she thought as she watched Tenya march to the front of the room and bow. He placed one hand on his chest and another hand chopped forward.

"Hello. I am Iida Tenya. I look forward to sharing our educational experience together!" he announced. Then he looked at his orientation packet and he nodded. "Yes. I am in seat 4...which would be..."

"It's over here. Behind me," said a girl with the largest and roundest eyes Neon had ever seen, "Nice to meet you, Iida-kun. My name is Asui Tsuyu but call me Tsu."

"Ah. Thank you, Tsu-chan!" Tenya said and marched over to his new desk, the first seat of the fourth row. He set his backpack down and then realized that Neon was still by the door, "Ah! Nishiyama-san! What about you?"

"Wait. Nishiyama?" a girl sitting near the back of the class sat up a little straighter to get a better look at Neon. She had her long black hair tied into a spiky ponytail. She smiled brightly at Neon, who noticed that her voice had a musical lull to her tonality, "As in the Nishiyama Conglomerate? Are you part of that family?"

Neon's lips pursed ever so slightly as she snapped her fingers.

"Guilty as charged."

Tenya jutted his hands forward. "Nishiyama-san! I hope you got enough rest and didn't stay up too late watching old cop shows. We must be at peak physical condition for class. A school of this caliber will definitely push us to our limits everyday!"

Neon shrugged her shoulders. What could she do? Akia was in the mood to watch some crime fighting movies last night.

The girl got to her feet and walked over to Neon just as a boy with short orangey-blond hair and a black lightning-shaped streak did the same.

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