Ch 34 - Sounds Like We're Moving On

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A few weeks had passed but everyone was still talking about it as if it was still breaking news. It was a testament to the faculty of UA on how quickly they sprang to action after the announcement of All Might's retirement. They had not only planned out a secure dorming system for the students, they had built it and gotten permission from the students' families in a matter of days.

Of course, there wasn't any resistance on Neon's part or Ito's. The government worker had more than enough confidence in Principal Nezu and Neon was just relieved this meant that Ito didn't need to do her weekly pop-ins anymore. Although, they now had monthly appointments and Neon still had to call and ask for permission for any non-school and hero-related activities.

In order to protect the students from the public eye, the students were asked to move in right away, despite it still being a few weeks left of their summer break.

Even though it was move in day, Neon had actually been staying at UA for several days already. Due to the press conference, her face and sound bytes were used in every news report as a representation of Class 1A. Whatever notoriety she had from her outburst at the sports festival paled in comparison to now. The press had surrounded the campus since the incident, not just to capture All Might but also her as well. The handful of people waiting outside her apartment made her a shut-in before UA took mercy on her and let her move in early. She kept a low profile and stayed mostly on campus grounds except for one tedious errand.

As the whole class arrived and gathered out in front of their new home, something else temporarily took their attention away from what they were doing in the first place.

"Neon! Your hair!" Ashido shrieked with excitement, "You changed it!"

Neon pulled down the red mouth mask she now wore in public and then ran her hand over the newly buzzed undercut on the left side of her head as the rest of her now pitch-black hair hung down to her right shoulder. She gave a little shrug. "I was getting recognized too easily with my old hair."

"Nice," Jiro said, "You went with the look I suggested

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"Nice," Jiro said, "You went with the look I suggested."

"Oy! Pay attention," Aizawa lectured as he stood at the base of pale blue marble steps that led up to two sets of double doors. A brown brick pathway stretched from the steps to the street with green grass and park benches on either side.

"I'll explain briefly about the dorms, but first..." Aizawa said, "For now, we will focus on getting the provisional licenses we were planning to have you get during the training camp."

"Oh yeah," Sato mumbled, "I totally forgot about that."

"So much has happened since then...It totally slipped my mind too," Ashido admitted.

"This is important. Listen up," Aizawa scolded, "Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Iida. These five went to go save Bakugo that night."

He paused and his eyes scanned his class, who all looked tensely back at him.

Their teacher sighed. "Your reactions tell me that you all were at least aware of it. I'm going to set aside a number of issues and say this: If it weren't for All Might's retirement, I would've expelled everyone except Bakugo, Nagano, Jiro, and Hagakure. Of course, the five that went but also the twelve who knew but didn't stop them. I would be grateful if you could follow the proper procedures and act properly in order to regain that trust."

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