Ch 21 - Sounds Like a Reminder

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Sometimes I don't really know myself / Devil on my back, pray for me, need help / Angel in the front tryna guide my steps / Who do you call when you need some help?


Neon closed the laptop resting on her stomach, stopping the music, and she sat up from her bed. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon and she had already done everything she needed to do. The house was cleaned. The briefcase containing her hero suit sat next to her small duffel bag stuffed with a few clothes and toiletries she'd need during her internship. Her internship would be far away from her apartment but thankfully the hero she'd be working for did include lodging if needed. Even Ito had come to do her weekly check-in. Everything was all set.

So who could be at the door?

"Young Nagano! I have arrived!"

Neon leapt into a standing position, momentarily forgetting about her laptop and she slammed her palm down on the cover at the last second to keep the laptop from crashing on her feet.

"A-All Might?!" she exclaimed as she quickly set her laptop on the bed and rushed to the door, "What are you doing here?"

When she pulled back the door, she was surprised yet again when she saw a sheepish Midoriya standing next to the heroic form of the country's #1 hero, who had a rather large wooden crate tucked under his arm and balanced on his hip.

"And Midoriya too?" Neon asked.

"Us being here together is purely coincidental! Why? Because although we didn't discuss it with each other, it seems Young Midoriya and I came here with the same intentions," All Might laughed.

"S-Sorry to bother you," Midoriya said as his face grew redder by the second, "I would've called to talk but I didn't have your number..."

Neon couldn't help but cough out a laugh at her classmate's obvious discomfort. "Midoriya, is this the first time you came to visit a girl's home?"

Her answer was in the form of a brighter shade of red that darkened his cheeks.

"Come on in," Neon chuckled and stood back, allowing the two to enter the room, "Welcome."

Neon's apartment was fairly simple with mainly a twin size bed and a white bookcase along one side with various books, movies, vinyl records, and a record player placed horizontally on the open shelves, separating the room from the kitchen, which was to the side of the front door. There was a small tv and a state of the art soundbar that were both placed on top of a cardboard box marked "MISC".

"Thank you! And congratulations on the move. In fact, I believe I might have something of yours," All Might said as he set the big crate down in the center of the room. Meanwhile, Neon noted that Midoriya had to take in a deep breath before finding the courage to step over the threshold, "This was placed outside your door when we got here."

"That's odd...I thought Koushi sent over everything already," Neon said as she walked over to the crate and stared at the address label that distinctly showed her old home address as the sender.


All Might returned to his thin state and he let out a heavy sigh.

"Make yourself comfortable," Neon said with a gesture to her bed, "I don't have any chairs so the bed will have to suffice."

"Ah! That is quite generous of you but I am fine to keep a standing position!" All Might declared.

"So what brings you guys to my apartment on a nice Saturday afternoon?" Neon asked as she crossed her arms and looked between her two guests.

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