Ch 36 - Sounds Like the Provisional Licensing Exams II

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"Ah! It's UA! You guys have made it! Congratulations!"

Neon winced at the fur-caped loudmouth that didn't even give her, Tokoyami, and Mineta time to walk into the waiting area. "Back it up, Yoarashi. You're way too loud."

"Ah! Sorry about that!" he said as he bowed and stepped away so that they could enter, "You must be sensitive to sound. Ah! How is it being around the pro hero, Present Mic then?"

"I keep conversation to a minimum," Neon shrugged as her eyes glazed over the room.

Like now...

The waiting area was completely covered in beige tiles with wooden planks on the ceiling. It was stark and bare with a few green booth seats along the walls, some plastic cafeteria tables and benches, and an area for refreshments and snacks. Her eyes caught the differing colored ones of Todoroki, who was seated at the back. She gave a mocking salute to him and grinned. She was relieved but not surprised to see he had already passed.

"Ha! That shows fortitude! As expected of a UA student," Yoarashi interrupted, drawing her attention back to him, "Ah! The off button on your targets is on the back. We've been told to put them on the shelf with the ball bags."

"Thanks," Tokoyami said as the three of them started to take off their equipment.

"Hey! How are the girls at your school?" Mineta asked bluntly.

"And...that's my cue to leave this conversation," Neon sighed, "Here Mineta. Give me your stuff. I'll put it back for you."

"Ah...Neon has asked to hold my balls," Mineta grinned.

Neon lunged for Mineta. Yoarashi quickly moved behind her and locked his arms under hers to pull her back.

"Whoa! I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to fight outside of the exams...You don't want to fail like this, do you?" Yoarashi asked.

Neon stopped struggling and raised her hands up in the air. "I'm fine...I'm fine. Just...keep this guy away from me."

"Here...Mineta and I will put our stuff away," Tokoyami offered.

"Thanks," Neon said as she handed her gear to Tokoyami and Mineta.

"What high energy UA students have," Yoarashi said.

"Yeah..," Neon said, "Thanks for stopping me. I'll hit him when the exam is done."

"Ha! But you're still going to hit him?" Yoarashi laughed, "I freakin' love your spirit! Actually, I've liked it ever since the sports festival. I saw you during the press conference too! You have a fiery personality."

"Actually," Neon said slowly, "You just happened to witness the rare moments where I lose my cool."

"Then I hope those moments come more frequently. I believe heroes need passion! They should be hot blooded! And you were brilliant at the sports festival when you gave such a passionate speech, declaring your values and standing up for what you believe. Now that is the action of a hero! And then what you said at the press conference...Man! Made me almost wish I actually stuck with UA."

Almost... Neon frowned but she could feel her face get slightly heated from the unexpected praise. "You're too loud again."

Yoarashi's arms clamped to his sides once more and he bowed at the waist. "Ah! My deepest apologies!"

The door swished open behind them. Momo, Jiro, Tsu, Tokoyami, and Shoji came into the building and they smiled when they saw Neon. They went over to her and unfortunately, that meant Mineta joined along with Tokoyami.

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