Ch 19 - Sounds Like There's Still a Fight II

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"Nice one, Iida!" Kirishima cheered as Iida did a perfect backflip in the air and landed a kick to Todoroki's head. Without missing a beat, Iida grabbed Todoroki and he ran to the edge to throw Todoroki out of bounds. Just as he got to the edge, he froze...Literally.

Ice sprouted out from Todoroki's hand as he grabbed Iida by the calves, stuffing his muffler with ice and then encasing the class rep entirely in it.

"So close!" Neon groaned as she sat back in her seat.

"Iida-kun is immobilized! Todoroki-kun wins!'

The crowd erupted into cheers while Neon frowned and leaned towards Ochaco. "I think I might be cursed."

"Eh? Why is that?"

"Midoriya...You...and now Iida-kun...Whenever I cheer for someone, they lose..." Neon sighed, "God. I hate competitions...Even watching it is stressful."

Ochaco giggled. "Well, it's not like Deku-kun and Iida-kun lost everything. They won their first matches right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"What about the next match? Tokoyami against Bakugo...Who are you rooting for?"

"Tokoyami, of course," Neon said and then she leaned back again, "But...Ugh...He's at such a disadvantage..."

Her fears turned to be justified as the last match of the semi-finals swayed heavily in Bakugo's favor as it went on. His fiery blasts weakened the shadow creature and with the sun looming overhead, it was hard for Tokoyami to recharge in any way.

"Tokoyami-kun gives up!" Midnight announced, "Bakugo wins."

"See?! I'm cursed," Neon sighed as Ochaco and Midoriya did nothing to hide their amusement to her grief.

"The final will be a matchup of Todoroki versus Bakugo!" Present Mic shouted to the crowd's delight.

"I wonder what'll happen in a match between those two..." Midoriya said.

"We'll have to watch carefully and get our revenge next time!" Tenya announced as he walked down the steps. He locked eyes with Neon, then Midoriya and Ochaco. Then he smiled to let them know he was okay with his loss.

Bzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzt.

"Whoa! What is happening?!" Midoriya and Ochaco shouted when Tenya started to tremble all over.

"My phone," Tenya said while Neon rolled her eyes.

"You have to adjust your settings," she sighed as Tenya took the call away from the stands.

"Well then..." Ochaco said as she continued this little game Neon had started, "Between Bakugo and Todoroki...Who are you rooting for?"

"I'm going to say Bakugo..." Neon said.

"EH?!" that shocked both Ochaco and Midoriya.

Neon shrugged. "Because I want him to lose...If I'm cursed, I should cheer on the one I want to lose, right?"

That cracked her friends up again. "I...I don't think that's how it works, Neon," Ochaco said.

"So you do think it works though? That the curse is real?" Neon asked with a raised eyebrow.

" do have a tendency to pick the losing side..." Ochaco admitted.

"Neon-san! Midoriya-kun. Uraraka-chan...May I speak to you guys for a moment?" Tenya asked as he appeared at the top of the steps again. However this time, his jovial demeanor was gone.

The three shared a confused look as they got out of their seats.

"What's wrong?" Neon asked as soon as they were in the empty hallway.

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