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Six Years Ago

The breath escaped his body as he realized who stepped into the room. He excused himself right away from the group of people around him, making his way to the front door.

As he was approaching she felt nervous. She didn't expect to see him right away, maybe hoping to get a few drinks in first before their inevitable encounter. Only fifteen minutes began her downfall.

"You came," he smiled, looking down at the brunette.

"I did," she grinned, a slight blush forming on her cheeks from his intense stare.

They stood there for all of thirty seconds, the awkwardness growing upon them. She stood fumbling her thumbs and he stood rubbing his neck. It took the full minute to pass before Kenny decided to speak up, "Let's get you a drink."

Wendy nodded her head in agreement, letting the tall boy lead the way. Even his back, and the way his muscles moved under his blue t-shirt, was pretty. She even had to admit, he has a nice butt. Her teenager hormones were raging, and if she were to let loose just enough tonight, she may let some explicit act work it's way through her mind until she actually goes through with it.

She wasn't a virgin anymore– not that it was such a burden for her– so ensue all the forthcoming rendezvous with different guys. And she wasn't ashamed for thinking like that.

"What'll it be?" He gestured towards the wide variety of suppliance.

"How about we start with a shot, you and I both," she pointed to the 'Smirnoff' bottle on the corner of the counter, "and then, I'll take a vodka Sprite."

"Ah, the ever so classic," Kenny chucked, reaching for two unused shot glasses and filling them to the brim.

"What shall we cheer to?" He questioned, handing the lady hers.

"Cheers to, uh... a successful summer?"

"To a successful summer!" He cheered, hitting the glasses together before knocking back the drink.

Close to an hour they spent in the kitchen. They talked about anything and everything, never catching a dull moment. Wendy learned that Kenny has a twin sister, Karla, that this is his parent's beach house and that they have no idea their children are throwing this extravaganza. His favorite color is orange, for it reminds him of the sunset and the sunrise and some deeper meaning Wendy forgot because she was slowly starting to lose her mind. He once broke his arm skateboarding during a tournament which in turn he vowed never to ride the trap ever again. His birthday falls in August, marking him a Leo.

It was all of the little things they talked about that they found the most enjoyment. It was probably also because they were slowly getting wasted that everything seemed enjoyable. Kenny was telling a story of the fifth grade, when he went to school super sick and ended up throwing up all over the girl in the desk in front of his. Normally, even at the mere mention of vomit, Wendy does a little gag of her own, but in this moment she couldn't help but laugh hysterically at his awful story.

"That's awful!" She giggled, taking another sip of her beer. During the time span, she had about three shots of vodka, two vodka Sprites, and now was on her second beer. It was after her first beer did she finally feel her nerves fade away, and the effects of the alcohol kick in.

Before Kenny could defend his ten year old self, Wendy hopped off the counter suddenly and dragged the confused brood to the makeshift dance floor, or what used to be the living room. "That kitchen view was getting a little stale; Let's dance!"

He couldn't resist.

Wendy dragged the boy to basically the middle of the dance floor, and immediately she pressed her back to his front. She swayed her hips to heavy music, starting to feel herself. His hands landed on her waist, slowly moving down as the music progressed.

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