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Nine Years Ago

Freshman year.

The beginning years of adulthood.

Most kids were frantic as they scurried along the halls of the big school to find their classes. Wendy wasn't one of them. She had come prepared. Yesterday, before the first day, she came to the school to scope out her classes, making sure she knew where she was going.

The first day went by quick. As did the rest of the year. Freshman year was nearing its end, and so many new memories filled her head.

To be honest, it was quite sad that the year was ending in her eyes. She enjoyed it. It was easy, barely any pressure– besides end of the year exams of course. She didn't want to continue to grow up. Because she knew in just a matter of years she would have to make some life changing decisions and she wasn't mentally prepared for that.

Wendy and Patty sat on their usual bench in the school courtyard. This is usually where all their friends would hang out, they were just the first to always arrive.

"I just wish Derek would tell me if he liked me," Patty sighed, picking at her long, fake nails.

Patty had been insecure for a while about Derek. She liked him beyond belief. She just wasn't sure if he liked her back. He had said he did on a few occasions but as adolescents are, they never really know their true feelings.

"He said he did," Wendy reminded her. She let out an exasperated sigh, catching a few glances from surrounding people.

"I've heard it through the grapevine. Never from him specifically, and it's pissing me off. He can't just kiss me and then be closed off," she whined, slamming her bag on the floor. Wendy rolled my eyes at Patty's overdramatic outburst.

"So ask him?"

Patty glared at her, slapping her arm harshly.

"Hey!" Wendy winced, rubbing her now red arm.

"You deserve that."

Wendy mumbled under her breath, her eyes now scanning the group of kids joining them at the bench. They had gathered around in a large clump, multiple conversations being held at once.

Wendy had smiled at her friends, quickly delving into the gossip from today. There wasn't much except from one sophomore girl making out with a senior at the back of the girls locker room. The idea made Wendy gag. If anywhere, why would someone choose the girls locker room?

Patty tugged on Wendy's sleeve making her head turn towards her friend. Patty pointed her nail in a certain direction making Wendy's eyes wander. When she saw what her friend was pointing to, she immediately looked at her friend to ask her what she wanted.

"Nothing, just look at how cute he looks today," Patty sighed, placing her chin in her hand. If Wendy didn't want to strangle her friend, she would have laughed.

Not wanting to deal with this anymore, Wendy took matters into her own hands. It had been months after Patty and Derek's first kiss. And months of Patty whining about Derek. How could she expect anything to happen if she didn't seek things out herself? Sometimes girls had to do the dirty work and ask the boys out. Plain and simple.

"Derek!" Wendy called out, capturing the attention of the brunette boy. Patty began to freak out, clawing at her friend to sit back down.

"Patty wanted to talk to you! Can you come here?" She hollered over the other conversations happening. He nodded his head, bidding goodbye to kids he was talking to.

"What're you doing?! He's coming over here oh my gosh," Patty continued to freak out. Wendy left her friends to talk for themselves, hoping something good would come out of this. She blew a kiss to her friend, walking away quickly.

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