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Six Years Ago

"Aw, is that really what you think of me, princess?"

It was in this moment Wendy wanted nothing more than the ground beneath her feet to swallow her whole.

She could feel his presence lurking behind her, standing too close for comfort. She could also just imagine the smirk lingering on his face with his hands tucked into his jeans pockets as he looked down at her. The looks on her friends faces provided no comfort either.

Patty and Derek watched on, mouths slightly agape with the new presence amongst them. The feeling that arose in the atmosphere as silence hung over their heads was anxiety. They were beyond anxious for the lash out that Wendy was sure to let free.

Wendy blinked once, then twice, before turning her head slightly over her shoulder to the tall figure behind her. She was right; Hands in his pockets, a smirk growing on his face. It took everything in her not to slap it off.

She breathed out quite fiercely through her nose before whipping her body around fully to glare at the boy ahead of her. "Don't. Call. Me. That."

"I think I have the right to call you that after all you just said about me, princess," Harry retorted, now crossing his arms over his chest. The tension in the air grew.

"I think I have the right to call you that after all the shit you've done to me, princess," Wendy spat back.

"Your nasty attitude is the exact reason why I–" Harry was cut off as Patty and Derek immediately stepped in between the two.

"Tonight is already stressful enough, you two do not need to add to it," Patty hissed.

"Then you probably should've thought about bringing us both along," Wendy snapped, face growing red. She needed to calm down, to keep her cool. Otherwise she may do something she might regret.

"I didn't know he was bringing Harry!"

"Don't put this on me, Patty!"

"You should've told me!"

"And you should've told me you're bringing Wendy!"

Now, Patty and Derek were at each other's throats, leaving Wendy and Harry mute behind them. It took everything in Wendy not to just punch him. But Harry didn't stay silent for long.

He began a screaming match with Wendy again as his anger bubbled inside of him. He couldn't tolerate her words about him like they were nothing. They hurt, he hated to admit. If anyone else called him those words he brush them off and just simply label that person an asshole. But they came from Wendy; and he wouldn't take that.

Now all four of them were squabbling with each other, such loud ruckus that caused nearby neighbors to peer out of their windows to see what all the commotion was.

"Wendy needed to be with friends again!"

"You make me sick!"

"Not everything is my damn fault!"

"Don't be so fucking overdramatic!"

This went on for what felt like forever, none of them seizing to stop the verbal war. That was until an outside voice broke through to them.

"Hey!" The woman yelled across the lawn, stopping the teenagers from the screaming matches.

"All of you kids better stop your screaming right now. You get inside for dinner right this instant to stop the lurking eyes of all the neighbors, and to stop their already formulating rumors. Immature, all of you," Janet Johansson scolded before stomping back into her house.

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