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"Wendy where're we going?"

"Be quiet would ya?"

"Is this when you kill me?"

"Shit, you figured me out!"

Harry let out a breathy laugh, knocking his head back against the head rest of the passenger seat of my car.

We had been in the car for almost an hour and little did he know we were heading back home to Glen Head. It had been a while since I've been back and I don't know long it had been since he's been back but I do know his mother still lives there so I would assume he visits her. But, we weren't driving back for a nice walk down memory lane, it was actually more personal than that.

The last time I visited home was last year. I tried to visit as much as I could but, I always talked myself out of it. Mostly for selfish reasons like the drive was too long and work was swamping me and I just never wanted to come back to a place where no one would be to welcome me back. And I knew deep down that was awful because this is where my family is and always will be. Yet, it was always too painful to go visit.

But, this past summer, I've been really trying heal. Slowly but surely I've been collecting myself and becoming a better person than I've been. Although, the process would've never felt complete unless I actually accepted the fact that I was still hurting from my family dying.

They're dead and I know that I'll never see them again but, I don't know, it just never felt real. I tried my best to avoid it ever since it happened just like how I did when I was raped, and clearly I've learned the best way to heal was to fully accept my past and what has happened.

So, I had Harry tag along because. . . Well, I don't really know, I just know I can't do it alone. Plus, I figured it was time to introduce him to my family as – whatever the hell he was.

Like everyone else in our lives, our families had also grown up with us not standing one another. There had been days when we would be eating dinner and my dad would say, "So, when're you dropping the act with Harry and actually date?" And each time I would manage to spit out or choke on whatever it was I was eating or drinking. Of course at the time the idea repulsed me but now that we were actually something, it was only fitting my family would know.

Then there comes the whole idea that oh they already know because they're watching down on me but, that felt like a scapegoat. If they were alive I would've had to bring him home and introduce him as my whatever so this isn't any different.

Or that's how I like to think about it.

So, for the past hour I've been dealing with Harry's nagging and complaints and him jamming out to whatever song was on the radio or even him plugging in his own phone and singing his heart out to whatever song he picked. Maybe I wanted to smack him just to get him to shut up but I decided against it.

It wasn't until we passed the Welcome to Glen Head sign that he actually became quiet. He looked at me with a confused look as I could practically see the gears spinning around in his head for some sort of explanation.

"Why?. . ."

"Just five more minutes, Harry."

And I wasn't lying. Actually, I overestimated because we got to the cemetery within four minutes. Parking in the closest spot I could, I turned off the car and stepped out.

Harry followed suit, a look of confusion still etched across his features. I grabbed his head and pulled him up to walk in step with me as we walked down the grass to where my family resides. Spotting the unmissable tombstone, I stopped in front of the monument that had Kane written across the front.

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