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I never really was a procrastinator. I usually got things done at least a few days before the deadline, whatever it be. But for some reason, I decided to leave packing for an hour before I were to leave for the airport. Why did I do that? I don't know.

I was running around my apartment, throwing clothes and all the necessities onto my bed, ready to be packed. After Patty dropped me off home, I couldn't find the courage to actually go through with packing, but that clearly was a mistake. I took a nap instead; which lasted a lot longer than I had intended.

Packing also made me realize just how badly I didn't need to buy new clothes but rather, give some away. It wasn't necessary to buy more clothes, but everyone likes to shop sometimes. Nonetheless, I was still freaking out about what to pack, and how much to pack. Never been one for packing.

Me being so anxious about packing could be the solid reason as to why I forgot to pack a single bathing suit. Not one. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

I grabbed my suitcase from the belt, Patty, Derek and I hurrying to our Uber, ready to head over to my Malibu home.

A sense of nostalgia washed over me as we headed down the familiar streets, passing through the familiar areas. To be honest, it was sort of difficult to hold back the tears that swelled in my eyes. I haven't been here since my family and I never thought I'd be back. But giving this house up was just too difficult to bare, more so than my actual home. But I pushed through my emotions, placing my head on Patty's shoulder as she ran her fingers through my hair, kissing the crown of my skull.

"You okay?"

I simply nodded my head in response as I continued to look out the window, the palm trees zooming past, the moon shining high in the sky, and the distant stars illuminating. Jet-lag was catching up with me as the clock on my phone read ten o'clock.

Soon enough, the car pulled up to the white house, stopping at the foot of the driveway. All of us clambering out of the car and grabbing our luggage from the trunk.

Using my key, I placed it into the lock, turning it and pushing open the door. It looked exactly the same this many years later, which on one hand seems a bit creepy. This house hasn't been lived in in years, sitting on the street as this desolate place. I had to assume our– my neighbors knew of what had happened and why no one has been year as of late. But walking across the wood floor made me realize just how much I missed it here.

"Wow, this place is awesome," Derek commented, almost immediately flopping onto the couch in the living room.

Patty and I just laughed as we made our way up the stairs and to the bedrooms. There was a total of four rooms, Patty and Derek occupying one, me another, and someone else one more. Who the other person was, I didn't know because Patty refused to tell me that information. She just said she wasn't quite sure if they were coming and that when they arrive is when she– obviously– would know that they were coming. Make sense? No. But I didn't care. I've grown to not think too deeply into Patty's antics.

"Derek! Let's go!" Patty hollered down the stairs in order for her fiancé to get off the couch and up into the room to sleep more comfortably. But after a few minutes of calling for him, we'd come to the conclusion that he had fallen asleep.

I bid my goodnight to Patty, gently shutting the door to my room shut. Opening my window to let in some fresh air, I dragged my suitcase over to my bed in order to start unpacking. As much as I wanted to sleep, I wanted to get this over with.

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