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Six Years Ago

Wendy walked around her house, making sure nothing had broken yet. Teenagers could be very reckless, especially with alcohol in their systems. And especially since graduation was the next day. The adrenaline to close this chapter in their lives running through their bloodstreams.

Wendy had offered her house for the last party as a grade. Her parents were away but she still got permission from them. She was okay with that though. They told her just to not have anything broken by the time they get back and she agreed immediately.

John and Katherine Kane were both successful authors. They were currently on a tour to promote their first book they had written together. Because they were always away, Wendy always felt she had a distant relationship with both of her parents. She knew though that if she really needed them they would be there for her.

For tonight, even though they weren't necessarily a tight knit family, Wendy still felt obliged to tell her parents about what was happening in their home. God forbid anything were to happen she didn't want to have her ass handed to her.

However she felt it was unfair, that she would take the fall. Her brother had invited his own college friends and this was his house too. But her parents said it was her party so she was responsible. She wasn't going to win that argument so she just agreed to the terms.

The time was nearing ten o'clock, and still more kids were showing up. Some she didn't even recognize. And Wendy knew everyone.

The big living room was being used as the dance floor. Teenagers swinging their bodies to the beat of the music on other teenagers, many couples making out against the walls.

The kitchen was the source of alcohol. All varieties of drinks being served, ready to be taken.

The game room was for– well, games. Currently a game of truth or dare was being had. Wendy was invited to play but she quickly declined. She hated party games like those. Truth or dare, spin the bottle, you name it she probably hates it. She much rather enjoyed playing a game more like beer pong or flip cup. She was very good at those.

And that's exactly where Wendy was found. She was playing beer pong in the backyard with Patty as her partner versing a team that had the guts to verse them. Wendy and Patty were currently undefeated as the night rolled on. Many people have tried, yet none have succeeded in their fall.

"Who's next?" Patty shouted over the crowd of people, the music being quieter out here but the loud bass being heard.

Everyone shook their heads and avoided coming near the table. They were all afraid to lose their dignity with losing at beer pong to the champions.

That was until a voice came from behind the two, making them jump nearly one hundred feet in the air.

"I am," he spoke. The girls turned around quickly, noticing it was Harry. They both smacked both of his arms, glares being sent his way. He chuckled walking over to the other side of the table.

"Who's your partner?" Patty asked, setting up the cups in the correct order.

"Derek. He's on his way." Patty tensed up at his name. She figured he was gonna say Derek, but she still prayed that he wouldn't have. Clearly God had failed her this time.

Wendy rubbed Patty's shoulder in a reassuring way. "Don't worry. You'll kick his ass in beer pong, and you'll make him see what he's losing out on."

Derek and Patty were currently in an on again, off again relationship. Wendy got whiplash from the amount of times they said they were done to, 'hey, we're back together!'

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