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Time was crunching down to the nitty-gritty. Patty was running around like a mad woman, making sure everyone knew what they were doing or where they were going. We hadn't even gotten to the venue yet.

In all due respect, her wedding's tomorrow so she does have all rights to be going crazy. But not too crazy to the point where she nearly threw a knife at all of us.

No exaggeration.

Maybe we were being extra rowdy this afternoon, not listening to anything Patty or the wedding planner, Kelsey, was saying. So maybe we deserved a knife thrown at us, but violence is never the answer.

We all packed into two separate cars heading our way down to the venue, which was only about a twenty minute drive. It was this beautiful building that was set right on the beach, only a few feet separating the concrete from the sand. Mystery is that whenever the sun sets, it hits the glass of the reception hall with this immaculate glow that shines the place up like we were actually in the sun. Sounds pretty cool, but at the same time, a bit played out just to get some good sales. The sun was due to set in approximately two hours so we'll see then.

We arrived at the 'Crescent Moon Hall' in no time, the extravagant building looming over us small humans. It was one of those places that people would see in old horror movies with lightning in the background, bats flying around, and raining pouring down to really exaggerate its ominous feel. Still a beautiful building nonetheless.

Kelsey exited her car and stood on the steps of the building waiting for everyone to arrive. Like she was some sort of queen or something. She actually had her chin held up high. Waiting around in the parking lot for a few more minutes, still making a ruckus, a few more cars joined the lot.

Patty's parents and sister exited the car, all bright smiles on their faces. Derek's family joined us, looking like they'd rather be anywhere else in their "designer" clothing. Snooty assholes. But I greeted them with kindness as I tended to do, just to get under their skin because they knew Patty was my best friend and that over everyone, I would always choose her.

A few other bridesmaids and groomsmen also showed up, embracing the fiancee's in glee. Jeez, everyone was just full of energy today. Aside from the Johansson's. They scowled at everyone.

You would think they would have the decency to at least fake being happy for their son and future daughter-in-law. But they're miserable and quite clearly so. And it seems like they want to make everyone else miserable as the energy quickly died down when the angry eyes of Derek's parents turned to anyone who dared to even smile. Misery loves company.

"Hello everyone!" Kelsey grinned from above us. "Thank you for all coming. Since this is the rehearsal we're just going to run through everything that'll be happening tomorrow; Obviously." She clearly tried to make us laugh but no one did, so she just cleared her throat to avoid the awkwardness.

"Uh– right, well, if you all will follow me, please, we'll get started," she smiled, heading into the building.

I heard murmurs behind me as we trailed up the steps, followed by some snickering and cackles. I turn around to see Liam with a serious look on his face and Niall laughing about God knows what. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing," Liam waved me off. Clearly it was something. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for an answer as I stepped inside the air conditioning.

"Liam thinks he can get with Kelsey," Niall chimed in. He spoke loud enough for Kelsey to hear her name and turn around to us but she didn't question it. Liam smacked Niall on the shoulder, scowling at him.

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