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The quicker we got everything we needed, the louder they became. Quite frankly, I didn't hear a peep from Harry, all of the noise coming from Miss. Redhead and her screechy vocals.

Even when outside we could hear her muffled screams. A few strangers walking by glanced up at my house then at us as we just waved them by, letting them know no one was being murdered despite popular belief. Any louder, and I was going to barge in there and shut her up myself.

Patty put in her headphones, blocking out the noise, and everyone else just seemed to ignore it. I would too, but Ginger was getting on my last nerve.

Pushing all of the surfboards over, I clapped my hands, excited to start teaching. Niall looked somewhat excited while Liam and Louis still seemed too hungover to function.

Ethan was generous enough to switch out his longboard for a shorter one so that all three boys could practice on the same length board.

Placing all of the longboards in front of them, I instructed them to get on, that first learning on the sand would better them for when they get out into the water. Reluctantly, complaining they look like idiots, they placed themselves on their stomachs on their boards.

"Practice paddling. Like you're on the water so you can get a sense of what muscles you'll be using," I began, initiating the paddling motion so they follow suit. After making jokes with each other, they calmed down ready for the next step.

"Next, practice getting up. While lying down, bring your hands up from paddling and place your hands below your chest, palms on the flat of the board. In one quick motion, push your body up with your arms and tuck your feet up and under you. Place one foot where your hands pushed up from and the other at least a shoulder's width behind. Now, if you're right handed, generally you'll get up into the "regular" stance, which is your right food behind and your left foot leading. But do whatever feels natural," I continued, showing them how to properly get into "take-off."

"How the bloody hell do you do that so easily," Louis groaned, losing balance once he got to his feet. He fell over onto his butt, collapsing onto his back.

"You can try getting onto your knees first if it's easier. Sometimes the jump up is a bitch much for beginners. See, now you understand why it was better to do this on the sand first rather than in the water where you'd make fools of yourself," I laughed.

"I seem to be doing just fine, love. Let's pick up the pace so the quicker we can get in the water," Liam motioned with his hands. Louis picked up a wad of sand, throwing it at Liam in the meantime. "What'd you do that for?!"

"Don't be such an asshat."

"Alright, alright," I shushed them. "Once you've taken off, keep your knees bent, your arms loose and extended, your feet planted on the board, and your torso leaned forward to lower your center of gravity."

I demonstrated what I meant, pushing them to join me. They all bent their knees, rocking back and forth on their feet. I told them all not to keep their feet so far apart, that generally, even though it may feel more comfortable, that when their feet are wider apart, the board becomes more difficult to control. Niall had a hard time understanding this, never moving his feet closer together but rather father apart and more towards the edge of the board.

"Niall, you dimwit! Closer together not farther apart," Louis scolded, showing him with his own feet.

"Oi, why don't you go fall on your butt some more!"

"Why don't the lot of you pipe down so we can continue learning!"

"If you're so good at this Liam why don't you go in the water already!"

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