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Six Years Ago

Heart pounding.

Legs shaking.

Hands sweating.

That's all Wendy consisted of right now during the drive to JFK airport. A whole thirty minutes of nervous jitters, heavy breathing, and contemplating whether or not to jump out of the moving car.

All she could hear were Dr. Hill's words, "You're going to regret never speaking to him."

She hated having these thoughts that once she came clean all would be better. Because when did anything ever just be better for Wendy?

Never, but she hoped this time would be different.

She also had the lingering thought of Kenny. He was good, always there for her. How could she just turn around and forget about him like he wasn't part of her life all summer? That's the thing. No matter how hard she would try, Wendy thought she could never really let go of Kenny and the comfort he brought her.

But he wasn't Harry.

Patty tried coaxing Wendy into a peaceful state of mind, playing all of her favorite music, talking about all of their favorite TV shows, telling about what happens in the latest movies. But nothing eased Wendy's nerves.

"Do you– do you think I'm crazy?" Wendy piped in the backseat, looking out the window as if she was in some sappy music video.

"Sorry, Wendy, what was that?" Patty turned down the volume of the music.

Wendy let out an exasperated sigh. "I just feel like I'm crazy for doing this."

"Why would you think that?" Derek questioned.

"Our whole lives we've been on different paths, never crossing, and now. . . I'm deciding to do a hop, skip, and a step just to even get him to realize I've been beside him the entire time." Wendy still couldn't put her mind to rest.

"That was deep," Derek laughed, earning a smack from Patty.

"You haven't always been separate. Remember in the fourth grade when you two actually dated for, like, two days," Patty pointed out now gaining an eye roll from Wendy.

"Okay, I think we can all agree those were two of the worst days of my life."

"Don't be dramatic."

"And, remember when you guys would band together to get me and Patty together?" Derek chimed in.

"Don't see what that has to do with anything."

"It means that you two can overcome your differences when you want to. You're both just too stubborn to realize it," Patty grumbled, reaching into the backseat and pinching Wendy's leg.


"Are you always so melodramatic?"

Wendy scoffed at her friend, "What, you didn't want to say dramatic again so you decided to sound all smart using melodramatic?"

"I'm sorry I tried to seem proper, Miss. Valedictorian," Patty hissed, pinching Wendy again.

"Do it again, I dare you."

So Patty did.

Wendy now reached forward, pinching Patty on the tricep. That area was very sensitive to whomever she tried it on, succeeding when Patty squealed at the pain.

"Ladies, as much as I would love you two fighting, me driving is not the time to get it on," Derek tried joking, only receiving a glare from Patty and the same pinch from Wendy.

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