Xmas and boxing day

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I wake up on Christmas at 6am, But I'm not allowed To open my stocking till 8am so I try to dose for a while and finally just get on my phone. I text Kai to say Merry Christmas and we chat for a bit. Then I can open my stocking, I got a whole bunch of cool stuff but we can not open our main presents until the rest of my family arrive. So obviously I text Kai some more . I have a pretty good day and after my cousins leave we text heaps more. Then Boxing day rolls round, It was pretty much the same as the day before except I didn't get any presents apart from some Putty from my Uncle and his Girlfriend Kirsten. At night I got to switch my room and Sleep In my normal place. I decided to tell my mum about me and Kai ( I had already told my dad ). I was so nervous to tell her so I wrote a note for her and put it on her bed to let her know before I went to bed. I ran to her room put the note on her blanket and ran back to my room. I was so nervous! In the morning she did not say anything! To be fair though I did write " I don't want to talk about it much " on the card but I thought maybe she would tell me that she got the card! So that was Christmas and Boxing day for me.

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