one | a.s.c

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"Now come on Anne!" marilla went back to her porridge, bored of waiting for Anne to come down stairs

"Yes coming dear Marilla, awfully sorry for my lengthly time to prepare myself for today I just want to look presentable"

Marilla rolled her eyes at the girl and continued to eat her breakfast, she never understood the fuss of first impressions

"Now I made you a sandwich and there's a mince pie on the side of you, Matthew is waiting outside when you're ready to go,"
she went over to wash the dishes in the sink, "please be good today anne, none of your sudden outbursts okay," she raised her eyebrow at the girl

"Of course dear marilla, but if one person even looks at my disgraceful hair for more than a second I will have a stern word with them about the fact I find it very disrespectful even if it is the most horrible shade of red to exist," Anne raised her chin and huffed

"Oh goodness go child and stop complaining, and take a coat goodness me you'll freeze"

"I don't need one, ill see you later my kindred spirit,"

The young girl grabbed her food and walked out the door, her red hair like a fox in the snow, a sight to behold. here comes Anne Shirley Cuthbert, a girl you ought not to mess with


a/n; so er yes, this is my new story, I doubt it will ever get read but I'm going to write it anyway. I'm unsure how many parts it will have but I guess we'll find out.

shirbert content will come v soon I just needed this little chapter to start with, comment what you want to happen and which characters you want to have in this story
- han xo

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