two | best friend

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I made my way to the school entrance, took a deep breath and stepped in, I felt good about today, this would be my first day at school and I was hoping to impress.

I knew I was smart, very talkative and argumentative but smart all the least. My strongest subject was English by far and I thoroughly enjoyed literature and by the age of 12 I'd read all the classics, or at least the ones I could get my hands on at the orphanage.

"Ah, sorry,"
I looked up at the figure id just bumped into.
"Oh it's fine, no worries," I replied, stood above me was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen, her dark hair was smooth and placed carefully on her shoulders, her smile radiating from cheek to cheek.

"Er, hello, I'm Diana I don't believe I've seen you before?" she spoke with kindness and I could tell she was a very polite person

"No we haven't, I'm anne, I'm new, this is my first day," I mumbled, I wasn't very good at making friends

"Ooo how exciting, you anne are going to be my new best friend, and of course ruby too, and Tillie and Jane, this will be wonderful!" She saw the surprised look on my face and immediately replied saying how sorry she is for suddenly springing it upon me "of course only if you want to, I'm not forcing you, of course,"

she was now embarrassed and without thinking i said "yes of course diana, I would love to be your best friend.


a/n; I'm not v good at writing and that's one of the reasons I began doing this, so I can improve and also because I love reading other peoples and I adore AWAE

Anne and Gilbert are going to meet next chapter and let's just say it's not going to go well :(

- han xo

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