eight | cherry blossom

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I groaned as my tummy churned "only 10 more minutes anne, you can cope," I flashed a glare at diana as she had just eaten "and when was the last time you ate, huh?" she chuckled and went back to her English work.

"Shirley Cuthbert, come and analyse this paragraph please," I looked up to see my teacher holding out a marker and pointing to the board. "Do I have to miss," I groaned, I love English but now really isn't the time. Miss raised her eyebrow at me and I pushed myself up, grabbed the marker and made my way to the board.

"So the use of this metaphor implies that he felt as if she was part of him and that loosing her was like loosing himself, and the complex sentence exhibits the complexity of their relationship, so er yeah," I turned to see a jaw dropped teacher she looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"Blimey Shirley Cuthbert, I knew you were talented but that, that is incredible for your age and to be able to do that! Wo-wow," I shuffled my feet and handed the pen back to her whilst I walked back to my desk "than-thanks Miss it's nothing really,"


"So cherry blossom, you have quite the talent for English huh?" my stomach churned again even though I'd just eaten, I raised my head to see two golden eyes smiling at me.

"I guess you could say that Blythe, jealous are you?"

"Well of course I wanted my hand to be the pen in your hand," he smirked at me as he sat infront of me

"What's that meant to mean, I raised me eyebrow at him, I really didn't get it

"Nothing Cherry Blossom, nothing," he began eating his food as I rolled my eyes at the nickname he's now 'officaly' given me even though I never gave him permission.

I groaned as the bell rang signalling the end of lunch, I went to grab my bag but someone beat me to it. "Here allow me," I groaned yet again as I saw Gilbert stood in front holding my bag and his arm out, "I don't need someone to carry my bag and I don't need you to lead me to class," I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag from him

"I know you don't but you shouldn't have to, no princess should have to carry the load on her own, that's why you should allow me," he smirked down at me as his brown curls blew in the wind.

"Whatever, we don't even have the next lesson together," I sighed as I began walking, allowing him to carry my bag but not my hand

"Actually we do, we have Geography together Cherry Blossom," he was smirking like a Cheshire Cat at this point

"Well isn't that just wonderful,"


"So as you all know the annual year 11 trip to New York is coming up and I've just revived the list of the groups you'll be going in, the groups consist of two girls and two boys so you're all with a friend," me and Diana squeezed our hands and looked back at the teacher. There was no way she'd spilt us up

"So group number one is Billy, Josie, Prissy and Moody," I heard moody groan and I don't blame him, that was a group from hell

"Group number two is, Charlie, Diana, Cole and,"
My fingers were intertwined with Diana's begging for my name to be the next

"wHaT?!?" Diana and I shrieked! "No miss you can't, you can't split us up," we were now stood up in horror of the thought of us being split up for a week.

"The groups are final! Now sit down immediately,"

"Now since not many of you signed up the final group will just be Gilbert and Anne but don't worry you will have separate rooms,"

Gilbert's eyes lit up at the sound of a week with his Cherry Blossom but Anne's reaction wasn't quite the same "Miss I don't want to go anymore I'll stay here," Diana chuckled

"No miss Anne is more than fine with that," I shot a glare at her in fury.

Me and Gilbert alone. For a week. In New York


a/n sorry it's been a few days but I've finally updated !!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 300 READS THATS CRAZY <3

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