five | our glistening waters

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Gilbert's Pov

"Blythe? I'm going to need some help on the farm later, do you mind?"

I looked up to see bash, my closest to father figure and best friend, I was lost for words,

"Blythe you alright lad?" i shook myself
"er yeah sure," i walked through to the kitchen and washed my hands, stopping a thinking for a second, why was I sad that Anne didn't like me ?!
I'd known her for about one second. Maybe it was because she had no reason to hate me, I mean yes I spilt the chemicals on her but it was an accident i didn't mean to.
Although she doesn't know that because she wouldn't listen to me.

"Blythe, there's something on your mind, tell,"

I turned to see bash lent on the table facing me with a judging look, "Something happen at school or something?" i cleared my throat,

"There's this new girl, Anne, fiery temper, beautiful fire like hair, she's something alright," I smiled to myself

"And whats your little crush got to do with the fact you're so glum?"

I chocked, "Crush? oh no, no I've only known her a day, i know nothing about her, she's not my crush!"  I looked up at bash who was grinning

"You describe all the girls like that then?" 

He chuckled to himself and stopped when he saw the glare on my face "I'm going for a walk,"

I put my scarf back on and waved at bash who was smiling to himself "see ya loverboy!"

he was grinning and i couldn't help but smile back he was like a ray of sunshine in the cold wintery Avonlea.

He was a fire to me, keeping me warm and something i looked forward to when i got home, i loved bash more than anything, he was my safe place, my father.

Anne's pov

"I promise i won't be long, see you!" i tucked my hands in my trouser pockets trudging in the snow, towards the gates of Green Gables. I had decided to take a walk to the glistening waters, i'd discovered it on the way to Green Gables and i was ecstatic to see it once again.

I got to the path leading down the row of trees towards the glistening waters, a cool breeze of wind sent a chill down my body, goosebumps lined up on my pale skin.

I should have listened to Marilla, she advised i bring another layer as i would get cold but i said i didn't need one, silly me.

I made my way to the end of the path and my eyes spotted the water, glistening in the sun, just like i remembered from my first ever day in Avonlea,

"you know a lot has happened since i last saw you was my first day here,"

I looked down at my feet, I had sat on a tree stump, the ice under my feet. "I never thought I would ever make friends you know, I mean yes I only have one but it's a very nice one, her names Diana, she beautiful and so kind, she stuck up for me today,"

A tear rolled down my cheek, I was used to crying I just didn't tell anyone that. I was worried about anyone finding me though, I was in the middle of nowhere and this was to be my special place

"Diana has to stick up for me today because a boy commented on my hair today, I was always expecting someone to of course, and he called me a rat, so nothing new, huh,"

I chuckled to myself the events of the orphanage flashing back to me. I hated it. I hated them. I couldn't be more grateful for the Cuthbert's and Diana, they were truly kindred spirits.

Gilbert's pov

As I walked down the path towards the shining waters I thought to myself, could I really have a crush on anne?

I mean she was so smart, strong tempered but that only shows courage and resilience. Her hair was beautiful, the way the light reflected off it was breath taking.

"ugh quit it Blythe, stop it stupid brain!" I smacked the side of my head, i clearly needed some time to think this through.

I would talk to my dad, he was never there truly but I would always feel him, he would know what to say, he'd know.

I made it to my spot, but today it was occupied. my special spot was occupied by another.


a/n sorry for the late update but here's chapter five!

comment your thoughts and please don't be a silent reader :) <3

- han xo

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