"Quest time!"

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I was really scared, I have never seen Rose run so fast.

"What-What is it?" James hesitated.

"Mcgonagall says that something really huge has happened and that she needs to see you two, Scorpius and me, right away!" Rose said, "She seemed nervous and didn't seem to be um... okay."

"But why us?" I just had to ask.

Rose shrugged with nervous energy, "But we should go!"

We ran through the forest, me still in my dress and Jamie in his fancy outfit. As we ran through the woods we leaped and dodged through, I got scraped on the arm pretty bad, but that didn't matter. It didn't hurt now and it didn't matter right now, either. James must have lost or left his jacket behind because he wasn't wearing it. 

Rose was leading the way and James was tailing. I watched, and tried not to laugh, when I saw Rose get smacked with a tree branch.

Not the time, Alice.

Rose lost balance and fell over, then I tripped and fell over on her. 

James grabbed my hand a helped me up. My everything hurts. I must have had tears in my eyes, because he wiped my cheek and told me everything was okay. I had no reason to be crying. He hugged.

Not the time.

"I'm okay, Jamie," I told him

"Thanks for the help," Rose added with a sarcastic manner. She struggled to get up.

When she got up we ran out of the forest and then headed to Hogwarts.

When we got there we went to Professor Mcgonagall's office and was stunned by the sight that was in front of us.

"Professor?" Rose asked to get her attention.

She turned. I didn't know what to expect but it wasn't what I saw. When she turned around to face us it looked as if her green cloak was burned, she had scrapes all over her face, and that she had been sick for a long time. 

"Something has happened," the professor croaked.

"What do you mean?" James said as Scorpius walked into the room with a cup of water and settled by Rose.

"The one you know as, Delphi, is not dead as we had thought.

Rose gasped. Scorpius made a choking noise after taking a drink of some water. James had anger in his eyes, probably because the lady almost killed his brother. I didn't know how to react but I found my hand over my mouth.

I moved my hand, "Okay-- so wh-what happened to you?"

"She paid me a very unexpected visit," she responded.

"Then what do you need from us?" Scorpius asked what we were all thinking.

"I need four of Hogwarts best."

I couldn't help but laugh and make a hand gesture, "I'm sorry I don't think I should be included in this."

Mcgonagall ignored my comment, but heard it and smiled slightly, "There needs to be an experienced, a brilliant, a protector, and a convincing voice."

Rose must of bit her tongue, but it didn't stop her from saying, "and which of us is which?"

"You'll need to figure all of that out on your own."

"But you know! You should tell us!" Rose must have realized who she was yelling out, "I'm sorry Professor.."

Professor Mcgonagall was amused, "You are fine Miss Granger-Weasley. Now you must go now. Go to your homes quick and change, pack only what you find necessary."

Alice Longbottom ii and James Potter iiWhere stories live. Discover now