Well Get Ready

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Rose comes back while it's my turn to take a shower. When I get out of the shower they are all eating. Scorpius looks back to normal ad Jamie looks more awake.

"Hey Ali, grab something to eat," Jamie says.

I honestly didn't notice how hungry I was until I smelt the the food. I grab a biscuit and marmalade. My stomach rumbles before I take a bite. Jamie smiles and I blush hard. I sit at the end of the bed and eat the biscuit. 

"We should all try to get some rest," Rose says after she takes a shower. We all agree and I am exhausted. It's hard for me to fall asleep, but I eventually do.


I wake up and notice that Scorpius and Rose are gone and I spring up scared of what might have happened to them. 

"Hey there Ali, calm down. They're downstairs eating breakfast," Jamie says.

"Oh, okay" I blush really hard and I'm now super embarrassed and the more I think about it the harder I blush.

"It's okay Ali, you've embarrassed yourself worst in front of me before," he laughs.

"Yeah, right," I laugh awkwardly. "Erm... do you need anything?"


"Are you okay," I immediately regret because obviously he's not.

"I'm as okay as I could be," he puts on a smile.

"Okay," I smile back.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to finish our date."

"Erm.. oh, me too."

"Alice I-"

I trip over Scorpius's bag, but I get up.

"Are you okay?" he asks me.

"Oh yeah, I fall often. You would know," we laugh.

"Alice I wanted to-" the rest was muffled because I was putting on my sweatshirt.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear what you said."

"Alice I-"

Rose and Scorpius walk in.

"Good morning," Rose says with a smile.

"Morning," I look from Jamie to Rose.

"What's our plan today?" Scorpius asks.

I look at Jamie, "How are you feeling, Jamie."

"I mean we need to get a move on, so I deal with it," he smiles.

"That still doesn't answer my question," Scorpius comments.

Rose makes her thinking face and Scorpius smiles.

"I think that we should retrace the trio's steps," Rose says.

"You mean Harry, Ron, and Hermione?"  James asks.

"That's exactly what I mean."

"So you are telling me that you want to retrace our parents steps, which almost got them killed multiple times?"

"That would appear so, yes."

"Alright. Irony is our friend"

I go to the bathroom and slip on a new shirt and jeans. I search through my bag and pull out my sweatshirt that Jamie gave me. While putting in on I hear something hit drop onto the ground. I look down to see a necklace type think with an engraving, what James dropped the night before. It was his initials JSP. I put it in my pocket to give it to him later. I quickly braid my hair and I walk out to the bathroom. Rose goes in and changes. 

The boys still need to change so I turn away from them so they can just change. Scorpius changes quickly, but James is still struggling with his injury. He bled through the bandages so I help him change them and he puts on a new shirt.

Rose walks out, "Are we ready?"

"No," the three of us say syncronized.

"Well get ready."

Alice Longbottom ii and James Potter iiWhere stories live. Discover now