We're Here Now

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We take some food from the breakfast bar for the journey. We check out of our room and head out. Rose continues to plan out loud, but she is really just talking to herself. Even though she's talking to herself Scorpius is by her side talking "what if" scenarios. They're nice together.

I see James straggling behind so a wait for him. When he catches up to me I pull out the necklace and show it to him.

"You dropped this last night," I tell him.

"Oh, thanks," he takes it from my hand. "It's actually for you."


"Yeah, I was going to give it to you on our date but kinda couldn't."

"Right," I say as he slips it over my head.

"It looks nice on you," he says with a smile.

I feel the heat rising to my cheeks. 

I look down at the necklace and turn it around, JSP, is inscribed on is. 

"So people know that you have me," he smiles his dashing smile.

"Good," I laugh slightly. "How do you feel?"

His smile leaves his face and he looks down at his wounded limb. I look at where he does but he covers it up the moment he notice my eyes shift to his pain.

"Never been better," he puts a smile back on. "How are you?"

"James, I'm being serious. I'm worried about you. You need to talk to me."

"I am, we just can't have anymore setbacks and I was told I was the protector."

"Just because you need to protect doesn't mean you can't be vulnerable sometimes." 

He doesn't respond, but I don't push anymore. He's been through a lot and when he wants to talk he will. 

I play with the necklace and walk by his side in silence. We follow Rose and Scorpius, even though we don't know where we are going.

We walk for nearly three miles before we get to a forest. It looks vaguely familiar but I am unable to place it. 

"Rose? Why are we here?" James asked.

"Where is here?" I asked, not putting the pieces together.

"We were supposed to follow our parents foot steps, yes?"

"Rose- I don't know if this is-" James continues.

"Can't you feel it James Potter," Rose interrupts.

"More than I should," he questions.

"Welcome to forest where Ron, Hermione, and Harry escaped to at the beginning of their Horcruxes journey."

James shuddered when he heard Horcruxes, "And were captured and nearly killed."

I grab his hand, "All of that is in the past. It's our turn to save the ones we love. We're here now."

I'm so sorry that it's been so long, but I've been so busy! I got a lead in the musical and have been focusing on school. I know this isn't the longest chapter but it is a big connection to what happens next! Thank you for reading and liking!

Love, MK:)

Alice Longbottom ii and James Potter iiWhere stories live. Discover now