I Trust You

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"No no no, that is a Kappa," Rose stutters into the answer.

"A kappa?" Scorpius asks in a whisper.

"A Kappa is basically a monkey with webbed hands. It feeds on human blood," I know because I enjoy Care of Magical Creatures class and pay good attention. 

Jamie looks at me, "But it's native to Japan."

He surprises me by knowing this because magical creatures don't normally interest him.

"And water, why is it here?" Rose obviously baffled that she wasn't the one to explain what a Kappa is.

It screeches. No one moves. Rose slowly goes for her bag and digs in it. Scorpius is frozen in his place. The kappa jumped at Rose but James tackled it before it was able to drain Rose's blood. Although James's blood can't say the same. 

"James!" I scream.

Before I can think I "stupify" the Kappa. I'm scared that I hit James too. Surprisingly enough I was lucky enough not to have hit him.

I run over to James and his wound is bleeding out a lot. I can't think and don't know what to do. I look over a Rose who is doing something by her bag. I'm now being stupid and crying.

"Rose please help," I croak out.

"I'm trying," she says not looking up from what she's doing.

She gets up from whatever she was doing and throws to objects. Are those cucumbers? Then she runs over. grabbing the frozen Scorpius, to where James and me are, "Carving our names will keep the Kappa away." 

"Oh- that is not good," she comments when she sees Jamie.

"No, it's not Rose. Do something!" I'm starting to lose my patience.

I now realize that the Kappa had chased after whatever Rose had thrown.

She starts to dig in her bag again and my leg starts to nervously shake. James is slipping in and out of consciousness. 

"Hey Jamie, stay with me okay?" I say to him, my hands are putting pressure over his open wound. He nods at me and squeezes his eyes tight. He lets out a heavy sigh. "It's okay, you're okay. I promise"

I give him a pinky promise because that is what we have always done since we were little.

Rose works on magical first aid that I don't understand, but I'm glad that she does. Or at least appears to know what she is doing. "Ferula."

Bandages wrap around his injured arm and a sling occurs. 

Rose looks tired and stress, Scorpius appears it be in shock, as does James.

"We should find some place to rest," I say and they all agree.

Rose and I help James up and Scorpius grabs James's things.

James drops a little metal piece. I grab it and I see it's engraved. I put it in my pocket so that I can return it to him later. 

We walk to a hotel-like place fore wizards. I check us into a room. The wizard behind the counter looked at us suspiciously, but he doesn't ask about anything.

When we get up to the room we lay Jamie on one of the beds. Scorpius goes to wash off and Rose goes to get us something to eat.

I'm sitting in the chair  by Jamie's bed and I have my eyes closed.

"Hey, Ali," Jamie whispers.

I open my eyes, "Hey there Jamie."

"Thank you."

"For what? You're the one that saved Rose's life and Rose saved yours."

"Yeah, but you gave me hope that I'd be okay."


"Yeah, you promised me that I'd be okay."

"Yeah... I didn't know that for sure though."

"Yeah, that's true, but you have never broken a promise with me and I don't think that you ever will. That's why I trust you."

Alice Longbottom ii and James Potter iiWhere stories live. Discover now