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We have absolutely no idea where we are supposed to go, but Rose is trying her hardest to figure out what to do. Jamie's eyes are still a reddish color and he won't make eye contact with me which means that he isn't telling me something and I want to ask but I don't. Scorp looks like he's trying to read Rose's mind, but obviously he can't. 

"I don't know what we are supposed to do," Rose admits.

"What if we go back to..." Scorpius starts.

"My father's old house," Jamie finishes.

"Does it still stand?" Rose asks.

"Standing? No. There? Yes," Scorpius answers.

I just standing and listening to them. I don't want to say something wrong or stupid so I stay quiet. I guess I stayed quiet for too long because they all look at me.

"Are you okay, Ali?" Jamie asks me.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just thinking."

Scorpius and Rose nod and then start talking. Jamie doesn't, he looks at me concerned and I give a small smile to try to convince him that I'm okay. He gives me look saying he doesn't believe me but he gives me the benefit of the doubt and looks away.

"So off to Godric's Hollow?" I ask.

Rose digs around in her bag and it swallows her arm. Scorpius looks amazed and Jamie doesn't seemed to be phased by it. I don't really know how to react, but then I realize it's her mom's.

"What are you looking for?" Scorpius, still amazed asks Rose.

"A Portkey object that my mum may have charmed," Rose chimes. She digs deeper into her bag and makes an AHA sound gesturing she found something. She pulls out an empty clean can.

"That's the Portkey?" Jamie asks, not very impressed.

"Yes," Rose looked insulted. "Maybe if you did your studies you would have known that."

"Good one, Rosie."

"Come on now. We have things to do," I say now because if I don't this could go on forever.

Rose explains to us how the Portkey works and what we are to do. She tells that we might feel sick and that that is completely normal.

"I hope Jamie gets sick to his stomach," she mumbles.

"Don't call me Jamie!"

Rose gets the Portkey working before James gets the chance to say anymore. She tells us to grab on so that we don't accidentally end up in different places. I'm nervous and Jamie can tell so i just close my eyes so that I don't need to see him worry.


We get to Godric's Hollow and I see what they mean now. I had never been here, I've only heard stories from the Potters. I get this nervous pull in my stomach and I feel like I might throw up. I honestly don't know why I feel this way, maybe it's from the Portkey. Scorpius is pale so I know that I'm not the only who doesn't feel good.

"First thing we got to do is..." Rose starts.

"Go inside and look around?" James states.

"Erm eh.. yes."

Rose starts to walk towards the house before she finishes talking and Scorpius jogs to catch up to her.

"Be nice Jamie, she's trying to figure out what we don't know," I tell him.

"Yeah, but she shouldn't act like we don't have any ideas."

"I have none better than hers right now, do you?"

He goes quiet for a moment like he's trying to figure something up quick, "No... but I will."

"Alright Jamie," I smile and start walking towards the house. "Come on now."

"Why do you have to be perfect?" he asks as he walks by me.

"I'm not really?"

"Well you are, at least to me," I notice he turns a little red but then we're at the terrifying, ruined home and our conversation has come to its end.

"Well this isn't scary," Scorpius says with a shiver.

"Wow, I haven't seen this place in a long time," Jamie says more to himself then to us.

"You've been here? When?" Rose needs to know.

"Dad and Mum brought us here when Lily was a baby, I don't really remember coming. Only the story."

Scorpius opes his mouth to say something but then there's a loud crash and he jumps in the air instead. I immediately grab my wand out of instinct and take a step back. I trip over a plank of wood, but I recover quickly. I slowly move towards Rose because she's the closest to me right now. James is distracted by something on the ground and I see him put his hand on it.

I slowly walk to Jamie now that Scorpius is with Rose. I here a noise again but getting to Jamie is what is important right now. I get to him and see him looking at some sort of metal piece. I don't have time to see what it is because I hear Rose scream. 

This gets Jamie and my attention. We turn to see a creature in the tree.

"Is that a bloody monkey?"

Sorry its been awhile, I hope you like this part. The end may ore may not have been a play on word ;)


Alice Longbottom ii and James Potter iiWhere stories live. Discover now