I wake Up

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Hello people, I know I should stop making new stories and focusing on finsihing my other ones, but I am basing this off of a head cannon, except their are many twists. I hope you enjoy, this story wont be very long.

Disclaimer: I dont own PJ or HoO

My eyes focused on the spear, its golden arrow head glistening in th epale moons light. I closed my eys, as the impact of the spear gored through me. Pain. I didn't feel much pain physically, but I saw Annabeth. The first time we met, our adventures, our tears we shared, the memories flashed in my head. Then I saw my mom and dad, both beaming at me, from the kitchen or from his throne in Olympus. But my mind fell upon Annabeth once more, the pain became intense. I remember Tartarus, my hand throbbing as it cut into the stone. Nico stood over me, his yes not hard and dark as they used to be, he held out a hand. I let go...I let go.

I felt warmth around me, a tingling sensation spreading through my body starting at my toes. I heard an annoying beeping of a heart monitor. Why was I in a mortal hospital? Let alone how I was alive. I felt warmth in the air, a warm sincere feeling sped through my arm. Someone was gripping my arm; I felt shadows of people standing over me. I opened my eyes expecting to meet soft grey ones.

Instead I met warm brown ones full of hope. My vision focused and I saw my mom. She had tears in her eyes, she looked so happy a smile wide across her face. Behind her was Paul. I hadn't seen Paul since they save our life in the titan war.

My body was sore, very sore, I was stiff, I could barely move but I managed to speak.

"Annabeth," I croaked, I attempted turning my attention around the room, but found no one else except for a doctor.

"Shh," my mother smiled placing a soft hand on my lips. I swallowed hard, trying to understand what was happening. Did my friends continue without me, I should be dead anyway. What was I doing in a mortal hospital, the question hit me hard and I needed answers.

"What," I managed to say, my head still throbbing, I notice that there was no hole or wound in my stomach and I seemed to be all healed to.My mother's eyes flashed with sadness and forbidders.

"Percy, you have been in a coma since you were twelve," the words hit me, hard. So hard tears gathered in my eye, that means... that means. None of my adventures were real..worst of all neither was Annabeth. But I couldn't find the heart to believe this. My mind flashed previous events, they were so vivid.

"But..no...no," I muttered hoarsely, my mother held my hand tightly, the warmth spreading through out my body.

"Honey al lot of things have happened this is..,"she began gesturing to Paul.

"Your husband-Paul Blofis," I said my voice getting stonger, my memory more vivid.They all stared at me with blank faces. They seemed so confused.

"How do you know," my mother asked in complete disbelief, what was I not supposed to know.The doctor now scurried to my side, concern clouding her yes.

"What is your last memory," she asked.

"Getting killed by one of geae's spears, it impaled me in my chest," they all looked at me like I was crazy so I decided to explain, "I was fighting with Jason Grace, Leo Valdes, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Piper Mclean, and...Annabeth Chase," I said chocking on Annabeth's name. I inhaled sharply, my throat burning.

"Piper was my friend Tristen Mclean's daughter," the doctor said. My eyes lit up. She is alive...does she remember me.

Time lapse
It has been three weeks and I have been doing therapy both mentally and physically. The doctor still don't understand my weird dream and how I knew about Paul, I even told the exact day of the wedding and what it was like.

I was back home now, I was sitting in the living when the bell rang. I opened it... my heart did a million leaps. Memories of fighting with an against eachother. I saw us rescuing young nico di Angelo. I saw the strong face of the former preater. It was Jason and Thalia.

Jason looked different sadder, not as strong. Thalia looked frustrated and flustered they looked the same as I last saw them.

"Welcome we are your new-," they began but I was already embracing them.

"Thalia Jason," I exclaimed they looked befuddled staggering back.

" I don't know who you are," Jason said confused. My heart became heavy my breathing fastened.

"You're the famous Jason Grace former Preator of camp Jupiter," I said trying with an obvious tone, they looked strangely at me.

"I was leader there but I never saw you, " he responded.

"We you were at my amp while I was at yours,"

"Uh.. I think we were thinking of the wrong camp," he said trying to turn away from me, I grabbed his wrist, it sparked me, I smiled.

"Reyna was your partner, but before that you were in the fifth cohort, with Frank and Hazel," I said. His eyes flashed with recognition, he glared at me in awe, complete utter awe.

"How do you know-but how, and what is a cohort and what is praetor"

"Jason," Thalia said hurriedly pulling her little brothers wrist, "Come on,"

"Wait," I called, "are they alive, frank and Hazel, and... and do you know Annabeth chase," I said, Thalia halted her head snapping in my direction. "Yeah... Annabeth and Luke," I blurted.

"Luke he-,"

"Died, I know, I was there," I muttered pain heaving in my throbbing chest.

" I have never seen you before in my life, and how do you know them?," she aske dinqisitivley. I knew her memory was tattered with, that is why she doesn't remember the mythical part of her life, thatwas my theory at least.

" Is she alive, that is all I need to know,"


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