I kill my father

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Hey, sorry for the wait,school. Anyway sorry for the change of fonts some where. Enjoy

Disclaimer: I dont own PJ or HoO

Everyone gasped as I told Gaea I would kill the gods . I ignored their yells and rants, but finally I got a good reaction.
"Brilliant," Malcon, the son of Athena said. He began whispering to the others the flaw. Then they smiled at me and gave me small thumps up. I shook my head they were making it to obviouse, I needed Gaea to think I was betraying my side. The demigods followed me to the top of Olympus. We entered but instead of finding an amazing mountain I found a rundown throne room.

The throne room was worn down, the walls collapsed, showing the endless expanse of a blown up Olympus. The drapes and all the thrones were gone, shattered glass covered the room. The gods were standing human size around the room. With seeing us, their faces lit up, thinking we were here to save them. The Olympianse examined us eagerly, guild pained me...what if it doesnt work.

You gods, think Perseus is here to rescue you, no, he is working for me now,” Geae’s voice filled the hall, the gods eyes widened in fear. I made contact with my father who angrily looked away. Zeus was practically funning; Athena as usual was scowling at me. Yet most showed intense disappointment and fear.

“I am instructed to kill you,” I said monotony, they all looked shocked, many staggering back. Behind me I could tell many were flinching by my words. I never thought I’d say that to the gods.

Hey Guys, please forgive me, I am not betraying you, I said in my mind, as if saying a prayer,  I was tempted to explain but I knew with such power Geae would be able to read the prayer. Poseidon turned to me, he didn’t seem mad only full of grief, sadness, and disappointment. No one got the message; I turned to Athena who was eyeing me carefully. Artemis looked confused at this, Apollo was growling. Ares looked like he was about to pounce.

I slowly approached Athena, I inhaled sharply and impaled her with my sword, she vanished into dust, but not before glaring at me.I soon destroyed every god, most were two weak to fight back.  Soon it was my father and I.

‘Percy,” he whispered, “What did we ever do to you, why are you doing this,  you brought shame to Olympus, you are not my son, you-you,” he never got a chance. The words hurt hard, too hard almost to the point where I wanted to shoot myself. He…said I wasn’t his son, sure he didn’t know my plan, yet it hurt. I watched as my father disappeared into dust.


Poseidon’s POV

The last thing I saw was Percy’s eyes his green eyes swirling with sorrow, but then something else anxiety. I regained myself and found I was in a pit. Just great with all my siblings. Before I could even do anything I had Athena on top of me.

“Your stupid, selfish, son sent us to Tartarus,” she yelled clawing at me, no one made any effort to stop her. She was right my son, no he is not my son.  I told myself, something puzzled me, his fatal flaw was loyalty, why would he…oh.

“Annabeth,” I muttered, Athena looked at me.

“What does my daughter have to do with this.” She snapped.

“She wasn’t there, Percy vanished us for her, Geae must have had her somewhere, so it is your entire fault,” I said angrily.

“My fault, I warned your son millennia ago to stay away from my daughter, maybe then none of this would have happened,” Athena lectured, I was in no mood for a lecture thooguh. I collapsed groggily on the floor mad and guilty. I remember Percy’s plead for forgiveness, was I really going to ever forgive him. Suddenly there was an abrupt light.

“I think I have something,” Apollo cried, projecting from his palm was an image. It was Percy standing there, and the ghostly figure of Geae in front of him, she wore a proud winning look. I growled, Percy was grinning too,

“Now, for my part of the deal,” Percy beamed. Geae muttered something and began to snap her fingers when her eyes widened. Her face turned red.

“YOU TRICKED ME,” She screamed at the smiling Percy

Sorry for the short chapter and the cliff hanger.


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