You're so Stupid, Seaweed Brain

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Disclaimer: I dont own PJO or HoO, enjoy remember they dont die! Sorry this chapter may be a little on the long side but I didnt know where to cut it. As you can tell by the tittle you can assume something happens, *Cough *Percabeth: Next Chapter* Cough*

I gasped getting to my feet; a nurse beat me to the curtain though.

“Hello. You’re up, how do you feel,” she said kindly, I shrugged and began past her.

“Your mom is…was here,” she said looking around confused, “ she ran off when she turned on the news,”

“My father,” I said, “he works in the empire state building,” I said tersely running by her, she didn’t react though. For I remembered I was in San Francisco not New York;

 I neared the middle of the street when I heard my name being called, I turned abruptly to be face to face with a boy, before I could do anything he gripped my wrist and shadows engulfed us. I coughed stumbling to regain balance. I was surrounded by wreck broken pieces of structure surrounded us. Everything was broken, flames flickered through the material. Sadness coated the air as sadness engulfed me…memories returned to me.

Scowling I turned to Nico who stood beside me, “ Who did this,” I hollered at him, he shrugged his eyes covering with tears, the past day o so has been really hard on us. Annabeth, I thought angrily, and I knew that Nico did also love Thalia more or less like a sister. I took a moment and wrapped my arm around my little cousin who tensed at first but eventually let go.

“I can’t believe their dead,’ Nico muttered,  “the woman she said Thalia and Annabeth were dead,” Nico said breathlessly  blinking rapidly. I moaned changing the subject.

“Is Olympus still intact,” I asked the only structure that stood was the elevator yet there was no cabled or tower for it to go up to Olympus.

“I…I don’t think so,” he muttered, I eyed the sky but I saw nothing.

“Can’t Jason,  I don’t know fly down, or you shadow travel up,” I offered, he shook his head miserably.

“No connection and I am too weak,”

I frowned unsure what to do, hoping this was all a bad dream, everything from the moment I woke up in the hospital… my mom. I turned abruptly hearing my name being calle din the distance my mom stumbled over the rumble nearing us.

“Percy, oh my gosh are you okay,” she said her voice full of concern; I wanted to say I was fine and that everything was going to be alright. But I couldn’t tear swelled in my eyes as I ran to my mom and embraced her, letting tears wet her shoulder.

“Oh, Percy,” she said sadly stroking my back, over my shoulder I saw she noticed Nico because she broke our hug and headed to Nico.

“Nico…right?,” she asked, they  had only met once maybe three years ago. He nodded quickly.

“Are you ok?,” my mother asked. He looked away horridly muttering fine, but he wasn’t very convincing. My mother came and gave Nico and awkward hug, I probably would’ve laughed if I wasn’t in so much pain right now.

Then something hit me, “Olympus,” I shrieked, “ it moved,” it must’ve. Understanding my point we set off, with a little of Ambrosia Nico was able to shadow travel us both to different locations, statue of liberty, Mt. Saint Helens, and finally the Seattle Needle.

We approached the lady, she sat looking at us excitedly, she noticed our weapons, and we instantly knew this was it.

“May I help you,” she said slowly, I nodded exhausted.

“Six hundredth floor please,”  I said, her smile brightened. But then she calmed down and made an attempt for a straight face.

“There is no six hundredth floor, kid,” she said and it sounded very rehearsed , I shot daggers at her, she whimpered  as I have carried have held an exhausted weak Nico. I felt sorry for him,w e have traveled everywhere and he was getting very weak.

“So..,” she said making small talk, “who are your parents,” she said, I moaned.

‘Poseidon, and Nico’s father is Hades,” I said, she looked at us her eyes wide, her face fell when she saw the half conscious Nico.
“Is he alright, I have some ambrosia,” she said, I lit up at that word.

“Uh... he has been shadow traveling all over and he is a little tired, ambrosia would be nice,” I said as she scurried back to her desk handing me a square, I nibbled at the corner for my own needs, then I gave most of it to Nico who now jerked up alert. He winced seeing me. “Thank,” he mumbled and we walked side by side and got into the elevator, neither of us talked , I wouldn’t have talked anyways I was forcing thought back, it was like taming and angry lion, thoughts of Annabeth resurfacing. 

We approached Olympus it looked the same as it did before, stalking up the paths minor gods glared at us with pity.

We approached the throne room all eyes on us, I scanned the crowd but, I didn’t see Thalia or this can’t be happening.

“Hey look their alive, ”Jason said a smile spreading across his face. He must not know about Thalia. What confused me was about the promise with Geae that they will be alive, maybe there was a loop hole, maybe they died before I made the promise.

Hazel ran embracing Nico, Nico stumbled back, they all looked at us confused, everyone was alive and happy except for the one person that meant the most to me.

“What’s wrong,” Hazel asked us frowning, the others gathered around us. Anger boiled through me, how could they not know they are dead, do they not care about them.

“They’re dead,” Nico shouted. They looked at us confused; darkness swirled around Nico as his face turned red.

“Annabeth and Thalia, They’re dead,” I shouted and suddenly the whole room shook causing everyone except me to tumble to the side, did I do that, just cause an earthquake? Wow! Everyone looked at Poseidon who looked shocked.

“Wait what do you mean,” Athena said cautiously I looked at the ground scared to look at Athena’s eyes that reminded me so much of Annabeth.

“I said…she...She is dead,” I yelled my voice faltering, Nico clenched his fist beside him. Pain fell over me, I was angry, mad, and full of guilt, why couldn’t it have been me…why. Memories finally resurface I was ready to collapse on the floor in a sobbing fit until…

“ You are so stupid, Seaweed brain,” a female voice said gleefully. I jerked up in shock hearing a voice I never thought I’d here again.

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