Three down Sixtey to Go

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Hello, hope you are enjoying! This chapter is sorta short

Disclaimer: I dont own PJ or HoO

A boy with shaggy black hair came out of the shadows. He wore his usual skull t-shirt and aviator jacket. He had his stygian iron sword strapped to his back and his skull ring.

“Nico,” I stuttered, he remembered me he called my name. I was so glad to see him I ran and we embraced.

“Gods, what in Hades is going on,” I complained.

“We lost Percy, we lost the war,” he said bitterly. “But before the gods vanished they tampered with the memories of their children trying to get their children to believe they were mortal,”

‘But why doesn’t anyone remember me?,” I asked.

“Well there was no way they could make your life seem mortal so they took you from every ones memories,”

“Why then does every one say I was in a coma since I was twelve, and that my life was a dream?”

“Once again they couldn’t make your life seem mortal so, they wanted you to think it was a dream,” the words reassured me, it wasn’t a dream but my thoughts settled on Annabeth.

“She has a boyfriend now,” I commented, and I knew Nico knew who  I was I was talking about because he frowned.

“ I know, I instantly tried to contact the demigods,” he said solemnly, “ but I got Drew to remember, don’t ask I ran into her at the park,”

“How do you get them to remember,”

“ You have them visualize something important to them in their demigod life, you then tell them words that are something important to them, then if they are consistent they will remember,” he concluded.

‘What are you waiting for, let’s go find the others,” I exclaimed, but he shook his head sadly.

“I may be able to get Hazel but the rest wont budge, I have only been New York so I don’t know-,”

“Why isn’t your memory tampered,”

“ They know I am the only one who is really good with spirits and there still si a underworld so yeah,”he said, I heard my mom calling my name behind me.

“Come on,” she said.

“Mom, can you take us home now,”

Us,” she asked and I turned and Nico was gone, I cursed and went back to my mom.

At home I ran over to the Grace’s apartment and found the door unlocked.

They were sitting on the couch watching a movie; they turned to me and glared.

“Jason Thalia sit down and listen to me,” I instructed, they looked at me quizzically, “Please,” I pleaded. They sat.

“Thalia imagine Annabeth’s and Luke’s face- Imagine running away with them, you fighting with a shield and spear- you’re fighting a Cyclops seven year old Annabeth and Luke behind you.- you become a tree- we fight together and save ten year old Nico and Bianca- we do a quest and you become a hunter- the intendant- imagine running through the woods with a bow and arrow,” I concluded her yes shot open.

‘Percy,” she shrieked hugging me, “Oh gods what happened,”

I smiled two demigods down sixty or so to go. I didn’t respond I just turned to Jason.

“Jason  imagine Piper’s face- Jupiter- Camp Jupiter- imagine fighting with a coin which turns into weapons- you are fighting on mount Othys-  you are praetor of the twelfth legion- the great prophecy-Reyna- Piper Mclean,” I concluded, he glared at me and we embraced. Nico suddenly spoke from behind me.

“Ready to turn some romans,” he said. We ran into my apartment.

“By mom, me and my demigod friends are going to San Francisco and going to save our parents,”

“Hold it young man,” my mom said, but before she can talk I cupped my and over hers. My mom has been a lot harsher lately not like she used to be.

“Mom, close your eyes and imagine my father- Gods-Perseus-Demigod-Half-blood- Paul- Titan war-Camp Half-blood- danger- Poseidon,” I concluded, she opened her eyes slowly they adjusted to us, her eyes were full of concern, the past many years with me as a demigod have been hard for her. But having me in a coma may have been harder.

“Need a flight to San Francisco,” she said enthusiastically. I was about to say we are not flying there but then I remembered the gods a either gone or weak I don’t think Zeus will willing shoot me out of the sky.

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