The Deal That Will Kill To Revive

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Poor poor Annaebth and Percy. Anyway this chapter is going to be awesome, I am sorta just making it up as I go, I mean starting now this was not what I planned. But I am going with it.

Disclaimer: I dont own PJ or HoO.

I swallowed my pride, she doesn't trust me, even if she isn't the same Annabeth chase I knew, it still hurt. Thalia eyed me carefully; I looked back into Annabeth's stormy grey eyes.

"Annabeth, listen, Imagine fighting with a dagger-Daughter of Athena- running through the woods ith a red flag-you're wearing a Yankees cap- Luke-Thalia- Lotus- Architect of Olympus- Titan war- Camp Half-blood- Athena's cabin-Chiron-Big three- tartarus-." No reaction only scared eyes-

"Giant War- Argos- Mark of Athena-Spiders," she shivered slightly but no recognition, "Percy Jackson," I concluded.

Her smug look turned into a smile" Per-," then something happened. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head her skin paled almost instantly, she collapsed against the floor.

A dark presence rolled over me, I tensed reaching for my back pocket and found Riptide. Instead of uncapping it I knelt beside Annabeth. Her eyelids had shut and she looked dead. I scrambled to feel a pulse; I felt a small light one-thump----------thump---------------------thump. They grew weaker and weaker, my eyes watered.

"No, Annabeth, no no, no, Wise girl stay with me," I cried and let the tears fall from my eyes.Nico barged into the room, he eyed Annabeth.

"Is she-what," I managed to mutter.

"Its strange, I feel she is dead but yet the soul isn't leaving, she is fighting against some force,"

"Guys I think we have bigger problems," Thalia said, but her gae was still locked on her best friend. I realized she was right, the room was turning cold and very dark, very fast.I rose my sword that glowed faintly, Nico held up his sword, Thalia had a loaded bow and arrow.

"Perseus, call off the demigods and the girl will live," a voice called that I knew as Geae. Was she really doing that, my parents and my daily life, or Annabeth who I can't live without. Maybe I can get used to living as a mortal, but I can't get used to not being with Annabeth.

" Take me instead," I insisted, just to be returned by a cold bitter laugh.

"And what good will that do me, so Perseus your choice," I looked at my cousin they were trying to say something but I couldn't hear them. Nico was shaking his head and Thalia looked like she was about to cry.

"Annabeth," I exclaimed, and left to tell everyone that the fight was off. I was greeted by about one hundred and fifty demigods, how they got that many I didn't know but I looked at them. They all glared at me.

"Call them off or she will die, make it persuasive,"

"This war is useless, we can't win, we are too weak, we will not fight we have to live with what we are," I screamed.

Their faces fell; they looked at me in anger and disbelief. I their hero just told them it was time to give up. I imagined what the gods would think, they would be ashamed of me, but I have to. The of course my mind went to Aphrodite, her next chapter in her Percabeth book "Percy risks the gods life to save Annabeth," I swallowed hard, "you heard me," I yelled they left began walking in all sorts of directions.

"Percy, stop," Piper charmspeaked ( To bad it's a word I made it up) me, but I shook it off. I ran back into the house, but found Annabeth still uncurious on the floor, with a very very weak .

I knelt beside her and began yelling, "You liar, bring her back now," I shouted into the loneliness. I felt people approaching me but I just continued shouting.

"first banish the gods only a demigod can do so," the voice said. I stopped, I froze did she say banish as in destroy remove, kill. Why would I, the goddess was using me,

"NO," I shouted and soon I felt airless. I was flying red and orange collors appeared around me.I wwas flying-no falling. Burst of lights surrounded me until I felt immense pain and my vision went dark.

I moaned hearing my name, "Perseus, now what," it was Geae. I blinked and opened one eye. I saw debris falling from the grey skies. I was on the ground now everything hurt.I managed to sit up my head throbbing and my arms and leg burning. I examined my charred skin.L

I looked around me the demigods who were in the clearing neared us. Us. Thalia lay in the same state as Annabeth, pale and eyes in the back of their heads. And by the loks of it Geae took them to. I stood up but was hit back to the ground.

" Perseus look at them," the goddess said softly and an image appeared in front of me. There was Thalia, and Annabeth. I whimpered, and growled at the same time.

"FINE," I shouted, they looked at me and to the figures stood. Their faces showed hatred toward me but yet sadness and grief.

"On one condition," I added, " every demigod has to be out of your harm, they have to have their immediate family, parents and siblings and friends alive and well and united, swear on the river Styx," I said, I felt people watching me.

"sure, you banish the gods and I will do as you said, I swear on the river Styx," There was loud thunder and I could tell geae was happy. And I was happy too. Who was the seaweed brain now.

Any one else see it, see the flaw in the deal, anyone, comment it and Ill see if you are right.( Lame excuse to get more people to comment on my story)

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