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Hey, don't kill me when I say I ship Thalico, but even if you dislike them still read because there is Percabeth, Grover, and some godly actions. So enjoy.

Disclaimer:  dont own PJO or HoO

 My heart leaped as I turned, to find nothing. Suddenly a force slammed me against the wall, a hat fell to the ground in the process. Standing  inches from me was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, curly blond hair up in a pony tail,  she had stormy grey eyes full of passion and relief. Her lips curved into a smile her breath warming my cheek. She leaned in, “ Good Afternoon, Perseus,” she said teasingly, her lips locked with mine.

Let’s just say the kiss was amazing, to the point where Thalia began to squeal “ Hunter in the room,” and Aphrodite was mumbling about best love story ever, Piper was smiling as Jason swiped her off her feet and they began kissing to. “ Get a room!,” one of the Stoll brothers said. Over Annabeth’s shoulder though, Athena stood scowling at me. My father was smirking. It was amazing… that is all I can say. Being so close to Annabeth, especially since I previously thought my world was ending moments before. She put my world back together, rebuilding my hope.

“ So,” I said grabbing fro oxygen as we broke apart, I must say I was slightly embarrassed about our scene in front of our parents, especially after  Zeus and Athena were shooting daggers at us.We slowly stepped away from each other still holding hands. Thalia and Nico were standing awkwardly beside each other, then they did something unexpected (A/N: I am a huge Thalico shipper, I mean they are perfect for each other, punk slightly emo, yet very courageous and powerful. does no one else see that, dam Rick Riordan had to make Thalia a hunter)  they kissed. Pineconeface  and deathbreath kissed. It was a short kiss, which the moment they realized what they were doing they split up both with a hectic look in their eyes.I heard Artemis cough as she approached Thalia, Thalia looked so scared, and very confused, very confused. Same with Nico except he was a little happy, mostly confused though.

“Thalia Grace,” Artemis announced, but then some one laughed innocently in the back round, all eyes turned to Aphrodite.

“What did you do,” Artemis demanded angrily, Aphrodite only gave a flirty smile.

“I messed around,” she said, Artemis went red with anger.

“How dare you mess with one of my hunters,” she snapped.

“Ok..ok,” Aphrodite said putting her hands up in defeat.Artemis nodded and turned to Thalia.

“I-,” Thalia began, but was out of words… but something seemed wrong, as if she was mad, not at nico or Aphrodite but at herself.

“ gods,” Annaebth muttered beside me, eyeing Thalia, she rose an eyebrow, Thalia scowled.

“What,” I asked quietly to Annabeth.

“She liked it.. Thalia liked the kiss,” she said. I blinked in utter amazement, I wanted to begin the song… Thalia and Nico sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. But unless I wanted a death wish I decided against it.

“How do you know?,” I asked knowing it was a stupid question, because she can read peoples emotions.She didn’t respond as the tension grew in the room. Aphrodite was smirking, Artemis was confused, Nico and Thalia were taking baby steps away from each other.

“Not to change the subject though but-,” Apollo began but faltered when he saw Nico and Thalia. They were kissing, nothing like what me and Annabeth did but a good three second kiss, they broke apart, yet Thalia didn’t remove her hands from Nico’s neck. two closest ousins…wow.

“APHRODITE,” Artemis screamed fuming at the two love birds.Suddenly Thalia pushed away, but not before Aphrodite could speak.

“I didn’t do anything,’ Aphrodite said, yet she was scared at the glowing angry Artemis.

“She’s right… I kissed Nico,” Thalia said slowly, a moment went by then what seemed like a couple hours went by, Annabeth’s hand was sweaty in my hand, I shifted uncomfortably.

“Well… then you are expelled from the Hunters,” I didn’t know what I excpected Thalia to do, but she only removed her circlet placing it delicately at her feet, she removed her silver jacket, and the glow around her slowly died out. She removed the quiver from her back placing it behind the circlet.

Sudden;y the door opened hurriedly, behind it was Grover, eh looked so helpless an confused, and mad. He stormed over to me and stared at me skeptically for a few moment.

“What the heck was that,” grove snaped, he wasn’t angry but trying to seem angry, “I felt like I wanted to kill myself and that the world was ending,” he said. Annabeth who sat beside me rose and eyebrow.

“I guess the empathy link still works,” I muttered, and Annabeth laughed.

“So… and then I felt happy, really happy,” he said a smile spreading across his face.

“Well, I found out Annabeth and Thalia, died, and then Olympus blew up with all my other friends and relatives, and then I found out it was all a lie,” I summed shortly.He nodded and hugged me.

“ Man, Perce where have you been,” he said, but I was in no mood to explain.

“There is no camp, what do we do,” someone asked, the gods sighed.

“I guess if you'd like stay here at Olympus,” Zeus said uncertainly.Every ones faces lit up, excited.

Comment  on what you think...please. Thank you. See you either tonight or next week depends on when I can publsih the next chapter

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