Gods..we're dead

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Hello People of Planet earth. Ok, so I am running out of ideas to continue the plot,but I will be doing short little funny chapters like this one that are part of the plot as well. Please ideas.


I am stating a Chaos story, please check out

Disclaimer: I dont own PJ or HoO

 One hundred demigods running down Olympus’ streets must look dangerous for the people who were residents but for us it was awesome. We ran, Annabeth and I , holding hands, the rest of Camp Half-blood and Camp Jupiter surging around us. I would want to see the gods faces as we went running down the mountain, it was amazing.

We were heading to the college dorms Annabeth built for a collage she built here on Olympus. She also built a village, she claimed it was for us, for us to live in when we were older. I was appealed for that fact that I never wanted to live in new rome.  We got to sped the night in a dorm with whoever we want as long as long as it is with our gender.

Leo, Jason, Frank, Nico, the Stolls and I settled in one dorm that had four bunk beds.

We all began to talk just about everyday things, but hen the subject settled on Nico and Thalia.

“Wow, my sister, good job,” Jason said, Nico blushed but then grimaced when Leo began imitating two people kissing.

“Oh… Thalia,” Leo fake moaned wraping his hadns around his shouldrs as if someone was kissing him. We cracked up laughing even Nico cracked a smile.

“Hey, it’s our first night all together again, want to prank some people?,” Travis asked, with a smirk, the rest of us nodded, excited.

Feet pounding, pound, pound. I didn’t have time to inhale, or breath, my lungs were burning, my feet were stinging in pain. Loose gravel skidded across the road, the building blurred, the shouts one never ending scream.  I heard angry shouts from our pursuers; I knew they were closing In on us. I wont make it through tonight, alive. So much for saving everyone to die tonight. I figured my choices, fight mabey use the river up ahead to do something.

Or get killed by very...very angry girls.

So we pranked the girls, Thalia, Annabeth, Hazel, Reyna, Katie, Rachel and Piper, it went perfectly, except we didn’t get out fast enough, now we had them on our tails. We had dumped glue on them then covered them in feathers, yep classic. It was also a tradition the girl kills the boy. I was scared to death. Ive faced the Titan Lord, Earth herself, and death itself but nope this is what scares me.

 I stole a glance behind me, Annabeth was furious, her blond hair coated in a goopy white substance, that dripped onto her face. Her t-shirt covered in glue, her pants were clean though. Feathers dangled from the ends of her hair and covered her scalp like a bird.

The twins and I ran side by side, Nico shadow traveled somewhere, Frank became a bird, and Jason took flight, leaving the Stolls, Leo, and I to make it out on our own. I veered left through an alley towards the river following the campus. I heard Annabeth grunt as a pair of feet hammered behind me. Annabeth and Thalia were on my tail. I was close enough to the water to smell it. I leaped into the water, it refreshed me sending a chill up my spine. I resurfaced, to see the girls at the river bend, furious.

“Perseus Jackson, get out of their in three seconds, or I  am coming in, and you cant do anything about it,” Annabeth sneered. She began removing her socks, then she pulled down her pants, yet her t-shirt went down to her mid-thigh.  Thalia was fuming, her hands curling around her spear. I was curiouse why she didn’t just shock me. Behind them were irritated sounds.

Behind us down the alley, the rest of the girls surrounded the twins and Leo. Leo’s hands were on fire, yet the girls were patting their wastes and backs, they didn’t have any of their weapons. I looked over

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