The Call to My Wisegirl

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Hello, so in this story their are many plot twists, this story is hoping to be much longer then my others. This is also a pretty short chapter because most of it is dialogue.

Disclaimer: I dont own PJ or HoO characters or theme.

I hurled myself into my apartment. I ran to the counter grabbing the phone, I had her phone number memorized. I heard my mom complaining behind me but I was already dialing.

“Hello,” Mr. Chase said on the other line.

“ Annabeth Chase there?,” I asked, I was literally holding my breath having a hard time seeing, my ears straining for the answer.

“Yes, may I ask who you are,”

“Percy Jackson,”

“That’s weird Annabeth has been waking up screaming your name, Perseus right, anyway she said she has never heard that name in her life,” he said. I didn’t exhale, I still held my breath. She screams my name, probably dreams of her past that she can’t remember, and she doesn’t know me. At least when we reunited I knew who she was.

“Sir, I need to talk to her,” I said anxiously, thinking if she hears my voice she may remember, or… or it was a dream.

“She is with her boyfriend right now,” My eyes loaded with tears, my heart as stabbed a million times, my heart hurt, my voice became strained, my throat burned. her boyfriend.

Please it is urgent,” I said, my voice was so quiet and shaky, I was trying to keep my whimpering and sniffling. I remember her warm lips, her sincere touch, and those stormy grey eyes. I recalled all the sacrifices we made for each other, how we survived Tartarus together, and she has a boyfriend who is not her seaweed brain.

I heard him call her name and I heard thuds and apologies.

“Hello,” he soft voice came from the receiver, I chocked on my words, her sweet soft voice.

“Hello,” she repeated, frustration and annoyance embedded in her voice.

“Hi, Annabeth Chase,” I said, her name coming off my lips with ease.

“Uh...who are you,” that stabbed even more when she said it.

“Perc-Perseus Jackson,” I said hoping for a response she hesitated and I knew she was trying to figure something out.

“My father.. I just…been,” she sighed, “ Who are you, how do you know me,”

“We…went to camp together,” I said, it wasn’t a lie only a fine line.

“Uh, sorry I’ve never heard your name before,”

“You ran away when you were seven with Thalia and Luke, you guys went to this camp, you stayed there, was raised their, do you remember and black haired green eyed son of- uh.. boy who came,”

“No, I am sorry but how do you know so much about me,”

“ At camp you became counselor of cabin 6, you always win the competitions, and then when you were sixteen you got invited to go to this other camp, and it… uh burned in a fire, you managed to get out with Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Jason Grace, Leo Valdes,”

“How do you have my number, how do you know so much about me,”

“Because I was there,” I complained, she shrieked, then there was a deep voice from the back ground…her boyfriend.

“Be right there seaweed brain,”

“Don’t call me seaweed brain,” the boy said. Seaweed brain…that is my name.

“Sorry,” she hollered back to the boy, “ Perseus, I don’t know who you are and how you know so much about me, if you call me again I will report you to the police,” she said with her stern voice that always got me to go along and hung up the phone. My knees buckled and I slid down the wall tears rolling down my cheek. My mother sat beside me concerned.

“Percy, who was that,”


“The girl from your dream?,”

“But she is real, that was Annabeth Chase, and you heard my conversation with Jason Thalia, who is my cousin mid you, I know all about them, because I grew up with them,”

“This is really confusing how this all works, Percy calm down, but what is bothering you,”

“Annabeth was my girlfriend she doesn’t know who I am though, and she has another boyfriend now, but her dad says she screams my name at night,”

“Odd because when you were closer to coming out of your coma you were muttering Annabeth,”

“Yes, I was,” I complained, then an idea stuck me, how I would be able to know this for sure. I grabbed the keys and ran out the door, my mom calling to me. I got in the car, she sat in the passenger’s seat.

“This is getting ridiculous the past week you were looking things up like kids falling from the arch, kids blowing up Rome, camp half blood- Percy it was in your mind!,” she exclaimed, n=but I was already driving down the road, she was frustrated.

“Turn this car back this instant, or not tv,” she threatened, I just kept driving. She was even more mad when I parked at the base of the hill.

I scrambled out, I found Thalia’s tree was only a stump, I gulped. Behid it was ruins, everything burnt to the ground, my heart stopped. My home gone.

All gone

“So, these are ruins from the New York fire, who cares,” my mom said trying to pull me back to the car.

“There is my cabin,” I pointed to collapsed blue and wooden building, “ that is the big house, the training arena, the-,”

“Percy Jackson,” it wasn’t my mom, it was someone else.

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