No...No....No My world is Collapsing

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Hey, for my reguluars I changed my last, chapter so only Annabeth and Thalia were taken,yeah sorry, I wrote this chapter realising a wrote it wrong. Again I am sorry I haven't updated recently, I have been very busy, still my dam auto correct wont work on wattpad, so I apologize in advance for mistakes.  WIth out furhter adue.... WAIT DON'T KILL ME!!!! READ THE MESSAGE AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

I watched as the gods slowly reformed, particles slowly gathered together. Warmth filled me as I was surrounded by hugs, and hoots.  Yet I wasn’t happy I needed to see Annabeth, as others came and greeted me, I squirmed through. Geae had left the minute she concluded her “ you tricked me,” yell. As much as I wished I could have the pleasure of seeing the gods faces I headed to the last place I saw her. How I managed to get to San Francisco in tens seconds was beyond me, I had token a step and soon I felt a woozy feeling as I approached  the chase house hold. Police were swarming the scene as the house was crumbled to pieces.

I approached an officer. “ Hello, where is Annabeth and Thalia,” I asked noticing they were not there, he gave me a look of pity, and my heart sunk…sunk so low, I felt tears threatening, those pittful eyes.

“Are you family,” he asked politely. I couldn’t find my voice; I nodded, sending millions of prayers to all the gods, to make sure Annabeth and Thalia were safe.

“They were taken to the hospital they were in very critical condition, they… I don’t think they made it,” he chocked out; he didn’t say anything more she strode off to the others. My heart sunk….may not make it… all this for a may not make it. But Geae promised, and then I realize they could be alive right now, running off of fear and adrenaline. I even found that I had my sword in my hand, but I ran. I approached the hospital, not carrying about anything I must have of bumped into a dozen people. I approached the desk and found a woman sitting their calmly listening to music.

“Annabeth…Thalia…where…are…they,” I gasped my chest burning my heart beating in agony. She looked at me with worry in her eyes. I mustve looked terrible, debri in my hair my face red, my eyes bright, I was also pretty cut up to and bruised. She took her hand and rose it to my forehead as my mother would always do when I was sick. She frowned.

“ Are you alright, you can barely breath, and you are burning up,” she said but I didn’t care I was freaking out, I needed to see them.

“Where are… they,” I said my voice cracking. She sighed knowing she couldn’t win this.

“ Are you related,” she asked calmly, I have no time for this.

“Yes, “ I said cutly. She gave me those pitiful look.

“I am sorry, they didn’t make it,” she said sadly, I didn’t move for a second, I didn’t breath I didn’t think. I stumbled to a bench and collapsed my head falling into my hands as the tears fell, I don’t cry, but Annabeth,  she is gone, I had something to cry for. Memories flashed din my head, millions of them, Annabeth’s laugh, her cute mad face, and her sweet smile….and sweet lips. I saw the woman shuffle across the room, pity in her face. I felt her warm hand wrap around me, I didn’t care who she was but I felt warmth and caring-ness (I make up yeah).

“ I am so sorry, what do you need, I’ll call someone to take you home,” she said kindly but I already had other ideas.

“I need to get to Olympus,” I muttered, heading outside, yet she grabbed my shoulder, I tried swarming out, yet I felt weak, grief filling me.

“You’re not thinking straight come on,” she said calmly, I tried to escape her restrain.

“No, I am,” I protested trying to keep sadness out of my voice and sound alright yet my voice kept faltering.

“No, you just said you have to go to Olympus,” she said raising an eyebrow, I couldn’t argue.” Come on, you need to rest,” she said leading me up.

“ What is your name,” she asked.

"Percy Jackson," I muttered.

She led me through the halls I passed a door marked Annabeth. I halted those letters scarred in my mind, there was a small window, I peered in through the nurse’s dismay. No one was there, her body as gone, beside that door was one marked Thalia, I didn’t need to look I knew. Pain still lay heavy on me, my world was collapsing, for a moment it looked as if everything was going to be fine, who was I kidding we lost… lost everything.

She sat me down on a bed, it was only one surrounded by curtains a temporary one. She instructed me to rest, I refused but I was already leaning back against the nice pillow. I fell into a dreamless night, nice and peaceful, except I was awoken hollers, my eyes shot open expecting to see someone pacing the halls, instead I found it was the tv. My vision cleared and I saw the news was on. Tired and weak I felt my self being pulled into sleep I almost let it grab me under when I heard something.

“The Empire State building exploded several minutes ago, the reason unknown,” the woman said, and I sat bolt up. Olympus.

Dont worry neither Annabeth nor Thalia dies

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