No News is Good News

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The next few days it was the same, wake up, get ready, stop for some breakfast, sell the papers, lunch, sell the papers...again, and back to the Lodge while hoping you didn't get soaked. This was a normal routine for a newsie, but there was also some fun in between.

During the morning when they woke up for another day's work, the walk to the Distribution Center, Jacobi's, and back in the bunk room after a long day's work. But this night wasn't going to be like the others, this night was going to be one that changed the lives of the newsies of Lower Manhattan for good.

"Hey Jack can I tawk ta ya, on the roof?" Wolf asked walking up to where Jack sat next to Crutchie on Crutchie's bottom bunk. Jack glanced over at Crutchie, who shrugged. Before leaving Jack rolled up his drawing and hid it under his pillow before following Wolf out the window, onto the fire escape and onto the roof.

When he got there Jack looked up at the night sky, he'd never really been on the roof that much. But once he got up there it was like he was in another world, high above the streets of New York City. He saw Wolf over by the edge looking down at the streets. He walked over to him and wondered why he was up there, he hadn't gotten into any trouble, at least he thought he didn't.

"Don't worry Jack, yer not in trouble," Wolf reassured.

Jack sighed in relief, then asked, "Then why'd ya asked me ta come up here?" he wasn't sure what was going on but didn't like the feeling he was getting. Something was off. Way off.

"Jack, you'se remember Samantha, right?" Wolf asked, turning to Jack, who nodded.

"What's she gotta do with anything?" The fifteen year old asked.

"Well ya see kid, I asked her ta marry me, and she said yes." Jack's eyes light up. "Really? That's great, I'll go tell the others." before Jack could run off Wolf grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back. "That's not it kid." Jack started getting a not in his stomach, not liking how Wolf was looking at him. Wolf's face was somewhere in between happy and sad.

"Jack, I's gettin' too old ta carry the banner, an' it's time for me ta step down as leader," he said sadly.

"Wait." Jack backed up, not wanting to believe what was happening. Wolf had always been there for him and Jack didn't want to think that was going to be over. "Yer not leaving are ya? Is it because of yer goil?" he asked angrily

"Jack slow down, even if I's didn't have a goil I's would still be leaving."

"But why?" Jack was close to tears, but held them back.

"You'll understand when yer older, it's hard ta explain, an' it's hard ta make a livin' off of pennies. Plus I's ain't selling as much as I used tah an' I's need ta make a livin' for myself."

"I's don't want you'se ta leave." Jack couldn't believe this was happening. Wolf was the one who taught him how to sell papes. If it weren't for Wolf he probably wouldn't have made it on the streets as long as he has.

"I's don't wanna leave either."

"What about the others? What will happen ta us if we's don't have a leader?" Jack was getting really worried. Lower Manhattan was pretty much the dumps compared to other boroughs. Sure, they have numbers. If you think of a bunch of scrawny boys and one girl numbers, then yes, they have numbers.

The Lower Manhattan newsies weren't known for being big and tough like Brooklyn, they were more friendly, how else would they have ended up with a girl? They knew when it was time to get down and dirty; they'll fight for what's right, but they were nothing like the Brooklyn boys.

"That's what I wanna tawk ta ya about. Jack, I want you'se ta be the leader of Manhattan."

"What?" it came out as a whisper. Jack wasn't sure what to think, sure he helped the others when they got sick or had a nightmare. But him? Leader? As in the leader of Lower Manhattan and it's newsies? No, it can't be, can it? Him? Leader? this has to be a joke...right? "Wolf I's can't lead, I's only fifteen."

"An' I's was fourteen when Knocks made me leader. Jack, those boys, an' goil, all look up ta you'se. Believe it or not I's knew you'se were gonna become leader someday, all those years ago when Knockout told me ta teach ya; you'se has the makings of a leader an' I's knows yer gonna be a great one. Jack, whaddya say?"

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Back in the bunk room Crutchie was a nervous wreck, he wasn't sure why Wolf wanted to talk to Jack. Maybe Jack did something and was in trouble, again. "Crutch would ya calm down," Jumps said. "I'm sure nothin' even happened." he was trying to reassure the gimp boy, but it was no use.

Just then Wolf and Jack climbed back through the window. They both looked happy, and sad. When Crutchie started asking questions Wolf let out a long whistle. Everyone in the bunk room looked up at their leader, wondering what was going on.

"Hey, listen up all of ya, I's has somethin' ta say." Wolf looked around the room full of newsies, he was going to miss seeing them everyday, hearing them yell, and fight, seeing them prank, and be there for the other. He was going to miss everything about the Lodging House and it's newsies. His family that he's watch grow from a scrawny, helpless little things to what they are now.

He was going to miss seeing Race and Albert chase each other in the morning. Elmer stealing Specs' glasses and watching the blind boy walking around the bunk room. Jojo, Crutchie, Kid Blink and Tommy boy's big smiles, carefree, and looking on the bright side personalities. Hearing Romeo talk about the girl of the day and seeing him snuggle up in Race's bunk from time to time.

Ike and Mike fighting 24/7. Mush saying something dumb, Feister blowing up before they would make up an laugh about it. Those two were like fire and water. How Buttons and Sniper are always there for each other.

Kloppman being the first person he sees after a long day's work. The kind old man has always made sure the newsies were well taken care of. But, all good things must come to an end. And it broke his heart to think the best and worst times of his life was ending.

"I's has some news an' it might come as a shock ta you'se but, tomorrow Jumps and I's..... It'll be our last day."

"You can't leave us!" Romeo shouted. "Yer our leader! you'se can't leave us!" the eleven yr. old was near tears. Race went over to his younger brother and started rubbing his back.

"Jack's yer leader now," Wolf announced. All eyes turned to Jack, who was still standing by the window. Everyone glanced to one another before turning back to Jack. They all saw that one coming. Jack had been the one who brought most of them to the Lodge.

"Yer gonna make a great leader Cowboy," Feister said, who was the first to speak since the sad announcement.

"Thanks Feisty," Jack said with a smile while looking at the younger and smaller girl, who nodded.

"So if Jack's leader, then, who's second?" Finch asked. All the newsies knew very well that Jack was going to be leader, but they weren't sure who was going to be second. But others had a pretty good idea who it was.

Jack smiled and walked up to a cocky, loudmouth, Italian, who had his arm around Romeo and asked, "Whaddya say Racer, wanna be my second?" The blonde couldn't believe his ears, Jack was asking him to be his second. Romeo looked up at Race, wide eyed and proud that his big brother had been chosen to be second.

There was a long silence as everyone waited for Race to answer, who just stood there. Race, being in a state of shock had let his precious cigar fall to the ground. And for once, Race was quiet as can be. It was odd, scary even to see a the loud and smart mouth so quiet.

"Well?" Jack asked.

Race's brain had finally caught up to his ears because he smiled and said, "I'd love ta Cowboy." Race practically had a smile on his face for the rest of the night. Soon enough the lights were out and everyone went to bed.

As Feister went to her room she looked back to the bunk room. She smiled and remembered when she first met Wolf, who was so tall and a little scary. But through the years he and Jumps had become her brothers, just like all the other boys.

It was sad to think she wouldn't hear Wolf, or Jumps banging on her door in the morning, or seeing them everyday. Things were changing, and changing fast, for better or worse, she didn't know.

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