Sunsets & Heart Breaks

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I know the title says "Sunsets and Heart Breaks" but I didn't think this would be posted after Valentines Day. Besides that, skip to 1:34 and listen from there for this chapter, or you could not listen to it if you don't want to. But you really should to get the feel of it. If you listened to the song before reading this I am well aware that half of the stuff in it does not apply to the late 1800s, how ever the whole theme of the song explains this part of the story. Hope you enjoy. Hope you enjoy.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

By the time Feister got back to the Lodge the sun was starting to set. Not wanting to go back inside just yet she sat on the top step and threw her cap to the ground; which made her two braids fall down to just below her shoulders, but she didn't care. She rested her arms on her knees and hung her head down. Old anger and sadness came flooding back.

Everything was starting to go back to normal ,and now? Now it was going down hill...again.  Things were going just fine until Lacey showed up. Who seemed like she didn't like Feister that much. Then again what kind of girlfriend would like their boyfriend's best girl friend. And what kind of best girl friend would like her best boy friend's girlfriend. Just thinking about it made her head hurt.

Everything was messed up, everything was falling apart, and Feister just wanted things to go back to the way they used to be. But she knew that wasn't going to happen. Wolf and Jumps moved on with their lives, Mush was moving on with his, and it was only a matter of time before the other boys' lives started moving as well, and her? She'd probably be stuck where she is at the moment.

Feister hated change. Heck, change is her one number one enemy (besides one of the Brooklyn boys) anyways, change was hard and she didn't like what came with it. Why couldn't things just stay the same forever. She wanted to see that look Jack got while he was drawing. Race chasing Albert for stealing his cigar for the millionth time. How Specs and Finch are always there for the youngers when they get a nightmare.

Jojo getting Henry to help him with a prank. How simple Elmer, Kid Blink, Crutchie, and Tommy boy are. Annoying the older boys with Buttons, and Sniper. Ike and Mike with their weird twin thing. Hearing little Romeo's story about a girl. And last but not least, she wanted to joke, tease and annoy Mush, and she wanted him to do the same to her.

But then she started to feel that burning feeling when she saw Mush with...Lacey, she didn't know why she felt that way. After all they were just friends; that's it, nothing more than two good friends. She looked up at the sky and then started to get her emotions out the only way she knew how.

"Sitting in the park today, it's like nothing even happened yesterday, but you were here right next to me I swear I could replay it all day, looked over at you, saw your smile and I was gone."

"This little town is magic, it's making me feel things I never thought I would, your name's in my mind every night."

"Wish we could just stay here, but I know it's not real."

"You stand there in my driveway, you're a red light on a highway and I'm drowning in the sound of your name...between late nights and mistakes, I can't stand in this earthquake, I look up at the sky the light's starting to comes sunsets and heartbreaks."

"I'm going down, I'm going down, I'm going down. The story of sunsets and heartbreaks."

"I don't wanna say goodbye, I don't wanna say goodbye, I don't wanna say goodbye. Maybe if I close my eyes, maybe if I hold real tight I won't have to say goodbye....."

"You stand there in my driveway, you're a red light on a highway....between late nights and mistakes, I can't stand in this earthquake, I look up at the sky the light's starting to comes sunsets and heartbreaks....."

"Sunsets and heartbreaks, late nights and mistakes, sunsets and heartbreaks, late nights and mistakes..."

Singing was something her mother taught her. When she was younger she would always get teased and made fun of; so music was her only escape from the real world, and all her troubles. Whenever she couldn't take anything anymore she would always write a song. But after her mother died she stopped doing it. And now that her emotions were getting the better of her she couldn't stop herself.

She closed her eyes, wanting to disappear from everything. After taking a deep breath and picking up her cap Feister went back to her room and wrote the song in her journal before burying herself in her bed. "The story of sunsets and heartbreaks," she whispered as a single tear fell down her cheek.

For the next few days things weren't the same. Feister was starting to grow a little more quiet everyday. Since it was done in tiny pieces the boys didn't notice it right away since she still smiled, laughed and joked with the other newsies. While her actions said she was fine, her eyes lacked in it's usual fire. But none of the boys saw that. Though Feister was smiling on the outside she was dead on the inside.

The only person who could see something was up with Feister before it went too far was the person who was the cause of this. The only thing she wanted at the moment was to be in his arms again. She wanted to hug him and get that warm, safe feeling she got when they hugged.
But she knew that wasn't going to happen.

When she tried to remember the warm, safe feeling she felt her heart drop into million pieces, and got this burning feeling from the inside out. She hated feeling that way, and didn't know why, but she just did. Feister needed someone to talk about all of this; there was someone she could talk to, but it was the same person who had caused all this.

But she needed him, she needed the boy who had been by her side pretty much her whole life, the boy who said he'd be there for her no matter what, and wouldn't leave her for anything, she needed her best friend back. She was sad, and lonely without him.

But then she realized that it was all a lie. He said he wouldn't leave her for anything, yet, he left her for some girl. He was there by her said, and now? Now he was nowhere to be seen. He said he's her best friend, now he felt like a stranger.

But to the other boys Feister seemed to be completely ok with everything. But things with Mush were the completely opposite. They barely talked anymore, much less cross paths. With Mush going out with Lacey, (who they all met and all agreed that Feister is ten times better than the blonde girl) and Feister spent most of her days by herself. She talked with the other boys, but it just wasn't the same. Everything was changing, and changing fast.

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