~That night
"Thanks for letting me stay," says Nicole as she sits next to Erin.
"You're welcome, but get off my bed. You're gonna get girl cooties all over it," whines Erin in a funny way.
"Stop being such a wimp," Nicole yells as she pushes Erin off the bed.
Soon, they ended up play fighting. Nicole kicked his ankle causing him to slam into the wall. Then, he charges to her and violently pushes her on the ground.
"Ouch! That actually hurt," she screams.
"Sorry," he apologizes as he helps her up.
"Can I tell you something, " asks Nicole.
"Um, sure," says Erin.
Nicole raises her hand into the air and slams it on Erin's left cheek.
"That is what you call The bitch slap," She chuckles.
"Can I tell you something too," Erin asks.
"What is it, loser," Nicole replies.
"Get you little white ass outta here," he says pushing her out of the room and slamming the door behind him.
"Well that's a nice way of saying good night," she shouts sarcastically. Erin doesn't answer. "Good night!" Then, Nicole walks to the guest room to go to bed.

The Dare
Любовные романыWhile playing truth or dare, Nicole and Erin are dared to go out with each other for a month. They agree to do the dare even though they don't like each other that way. While "dating" Nicole starts to get feelings for Erin. Will she confess her feel...