Lying or Improving?

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The next morning Feister woke up and hoped that everything was a dream, her brother coming back and not having to switch off selling partners.

But as soon as she woke up Race came up to her bunk and reminded her and Romeo that they were selling that morning. Still being tired, and maybe a little frustrated with this whole mess she let out a small groan before falling back onto the bed and slammed the pillow over her head.

"Hey," Mush said while sitting up in his bunk. Feister removed the pillow off of her face and looked over at him. "Just go out there an' sell like ya always do. Plus it makes me feel better knowing that yer brudda don't know where ya are."

Feister nodded, understanding this was for her safety. Soon enough it was time to get out of bed and start selling for the day. After getting a free breakfast from the Nuns and buying her papers, Feister headed out with Race and Romeo.

They went to the park nearby Jacobi's. After looking around for a spot they found one under a tree and then it was time to sell the papers.

As per usual. Feister had to admit, it wasn't all that bad selling with Race and Romeo. Race kept her mind off of things and often cracked a joke or two after Romeo failed with a girl that would walk by.

"Aw, don't worry Rome," Feister said while patting the younger boy on the back. "I's sure you'll find yer Juliet sooner or later."

"Like 'er?" Romeo said eagerly while pointing to a girl.

Before Feister could say anything Race said, "Knock yourself out kid." with that being said Romeo ran off to the girl. Then after a few moments both Race and Feister laughed when the girl lightly whacked Romeo with her purse. Romeo walked back to the two older newsies with a somewhat angry look on his face.

"Don't give me that look," Feister snapped. "It was Smokey who sent ya, not me."

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Over with Kid Blink and Mush they were both in the middle of selling when Will walked up to them. "Where's Claire?" he asked, a little harsher than necessary.

Both boys looked at each other and shrugged. Honestly they had no idea where Feister was. All they knew was that she was with Race and Romeo somewhere in the city

"Sorry, but we's dunno anyone named "Claire", right, Blink," Mush said acting dumb. But technically he really didn't know anyone named "Claire", which is somewhat truthful. Then again when has a newsie ever been truthful when it came to strangers.

Blink pretended to think long and hard before saying, "Yup, that's a unusual name for these parts."

Will rolled his eyes, apparently these newsies are dumber than they appear so he said, "Claire, my sister, the one with the temper, brown eyes, dark hair, about a head shorter than you, fourteen years old."

"Nope, still doesn't ring a bell," Blink replied.

"The one girl who lives with you. And I'm assuming that you." Will pointed to Mush, who kept a straight face. "Are a close friend of hers, so if anything you should know where she is."

Mush shrugged. "Like I's said before, we's dunno anyone named "Claire". Now if ya ain't gonna buy a pape, I's suggest ya move along so we's can do our job." With that being said, Will walked off. Once Will was gone Mush said, "Ya know if he gets his hands on 'er Imma soak the livin' daylights outta ''im. Think Feisty would mind if I did that?"

Kid Blink just smiled and said, "I's don't think she'll mind at all." Then a smirk appeared on Blink's face as he said, "But she wouldn't let you have all the fun." they both laughed, knowing that it was true.

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